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TIMES 2017 Newsletter is Now Available

The 2017 Fall Newsletter is now available. Much thanks belongs to Pascale Crama, who put the newsletter together, and the contributing officers. You may have already seen the link in the INFORMS Connect Community, and it can also be downloaded from our Newsletters link.

In the newsletter, our Chair, Gülru Özkan-Seely, announces key details for INFORMS, including our new partnership with the Lazaridis Institute, who will be sponsoring our Best Dissertation Award. We also hear from our Distinguished Speaker, Dr. John Paul MacDuffie of Wharton, whose talk will "...[P]rovide some lessons for TIMES scholars about the advantages of bringing deep contextual knowledge about industries to the study of technological change and ecosystem evolution.” Zhijian Cui announces our Doctoral Dissertation Award finalists, who will be the first to benefit from our new partnership with Lazaridis Institute, and also our Best Paper Award finalists. Finally, I've included a short guide to useful new TIMES-related stories in the media in 2017, which may be of benefit for undergrad and MBA courses. I and the other officers look forward to seeing you in Houston!
Cheers, John Angelis, CIO of TIMES.

