The best paper award is given out annually at the TIMES Business Meeting to the best paper in technology management, product/process innovation, business model innovation, new product development, and entrepreneurship. Finalists are selected from INFORMS publications five years prior based on their citations and the winning paper is chosen by a panel of judges. Please contact the TIMES Chair Elect if you have any questions.
2024 Best Paper Award
First Place:
Jürgen Mihm, Jochen Schlapp (2019) Sourcing Innovation: On Feedback in Contests. Management Science 65(2):559-576
Kostas Bimpikis, Shayan Ehsani, Mohamed Mostagir (2019) Designing Dynamic Contests. Operations Research 67(2): 339-356.
Elina H. Hwang, Param Vir Singh, Linda Argote (2019) Jack of All, Master of Some: Information Network and Innovation in Crowdsourcing Communities. Information Systems Research 30(2): 389-410.
2023 Best Paper Award
First Place:
Tian Heong Chan, Jürgen Mihm, Manuel E. Sosa (2018) On Styles in Product Design: An Analysis of US Design Patents. Management Science 64(3):1230-1249
Evgeny Kagan, Stephen Leider, William S. Lovejoy (2018) Ideation-Execution Transition in Product Development: An Experimental Analysis. Management Science 64(5):2238-2262
Geoffrey Parker, Marshall van Alstyne (2018) Innovation, Openness, and Platform Control. Management Science 64(7):3015-3032
2022 Best Paper Award
First Place:
Vishal V. Agrawal, Ioannis Bellos (2016) The Potential of Servicizing as a Green Business Model. Management Science 63(5):1545-1562.
Pascale Crama, Bert De Reyck, Niyazi Taneri (2016) Licensing Contracts: Control Rights, Options, and Timing. Management Science 63(4):1131-1149.
Laurence Ales, Soo-Haeng Cho, Ersin Korpeoglu (2017) Optimal Award Scheme in Innovation Tournaments. Operations Research 65(3):693-702.
2021 Best Paper Award
First Place:
Ilan Lobel, Jigar Patel, Gustavo Vulcano, Jiawei Zhang (2015) Optimizing Product Launches in the Presence of Strategic Consumers. Management Science 62(6):1778-1799.
Kevin J. Boudreau, Eva C. Guinan, Karim R. Lakhani, Christoph Riedl (2016) Looking Across and Looking Beyond the Knowledge Frontier: Intellectual Distance, Novelty, and Resource Allocation in Science. Management Science 62(10):2765-2783.
2020 Best Paper Award
First Place:
Jeremy Hutchison-Krupat and Stylianos Kavadias. Strategic Resource Allocation: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and the Value of Strategic Buckets. Management Science (2015), 61(2):391-412.
Buket Avci, Karan Girotra, and Serguei Netessine. Electric Vehicles with a Battery Switching Station: Adoption and Environmental Impact. Management Science (2015), 61(4):772-794.
2019 Best Paper Award
First Place:
Franke, Nikolaus, Marion K. Poetz, and Martin Schreier. Integrating problem solvers from analogous markets in new product ideation. Management Science (2014), 60(4):1063–1081.
Runners-up (tied - in no particular order)
Hu, Yansong, and Christophe Van den Bulte. Nonmonotonic status effects in new product adoption. Marketing Science (2014), 33(4):509-533.
Tambe, Prasanna, and Lorin M. Hitt. Measuring information technology spillovers. Information Systems Research (2014), 25(1):53-71.
2018 Best Paper Award
First Place:
Barry L. Bayus. Crowdsourcing New Product Ideas Over Time: An Analysis of the Dell IdeaStorm Community. Management Science (2013):59(1), 226-244.
Florian Ederer and Gustavo Manso. Is Pay for Performance Detrimental to Innovation?. Management Science (2013), 59(7):1496-1513.
2017 Best Paper Award
First Place:
Boudreau, Kevin. 2012. Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom? An Early Look at Large Numbers of Software App Developers and Patterns of Innovation. Organization Science 23(5), 1409-1427
Runners-up (tied - in no particular order)
Tambe P., Hitt L. and Brynjolfsson E. 2012 The Extroverted Firm: How External Information Practices Affect Innovation and Productivity. Management Science, 58(5), 843-859.
Tortoriello M, Reagans R. and Mceviy B. 2012. Bridging the Knowledge Gap: The Influence of Strong Ties, Network Cohesion, and Network Range on the Transfer of Knowledge between Organizational Units. Organization Science, 23(4), 1024-1039
2016 Best Paper Award Winner
Baldwin, Carliss, and Eric von Hippel. "Modeling a paradigm shift: From producer innovation to user and open collaborative innovation." Organization Science 22.6 (2011): 1399 -1417.
Boudreau, Kevin J., Nicola Lacetera, and Karim R. Lakhani. "Incentives and problem uncertainty in innovation contests: An empirical analysis." Management Science 57.5 (2011): 843-863
2015 Best Paper Award Winner
Elfenbein, Daniel W., Barton H. Hamilton, and Todd R. Zenger. “The small firm effect and the entrepreneurial spawning of scientists and engineers,” Management Science, 56.4 (2010), pp. 659-681.
Singh, Jasjit, and Lee Fleming. “Lone inventors as sources of breakthroughs: Myth or reality?” Management Science, 56.1 (2010), pp. 41-56.
2014 Best Paper Award Winner
Marx, Matt, D. Strumsky, and L. Fleming. "Mobility, skills, and the Michigan non-compete experiment." Management Science, 55.6 (2009), pp. 875–889
Andriopoulos, Constantine, and M. W. Lewis. "Exploitation-exploration tensions and organizational ambidexterity: Managing paradoxes of innovation." Organization Science, 20.4 (2008), pp. 696–717.
2013 Best Paper Award Winner
Nicolaou, Nicos, S. Shane, L. Cherkas, J. Hunkin, T. D. Spector. "Is the tendency to engage in entrepreneurship genetic?" Management Science, 54.1 (2008), pp. 167–179.
Gans, Joshua, D. Hsu, S. Stern. "The impact of uncertain intellectual property rights on the market for ideas: Evidence from patent grant delays." Management Science, 54.5 (2008), pp. 982–999.
2012 Best Paper Award Winner:
Schilling, Melissa A, and CC Phelps, "Interfirm collaboration networks: The impact of large-scale network structure on firm innovation," Management Science, 53.7 (2007), p. 1113-1126
Runners-up (tied - in no particular order)
S Klepper, "Disagreements, spinoffs, and the evolution of Detroit as the capital of the US automobile industry," Management Science, 53.4 (2007), p 626-631
L Fleming and DW Waguespack, "Brokerage, boundary spanning, and leadership in open innovation communities," Organization Science, 18.2 (2007), p. 165-180