The fee for joining Social Media Analytics without joining INFORMS is $15. To join this way, you would need to email Eileen at She will create an invoice and send for online payment.
The fee for INFORMS members joining Social Media Analytics is $10, or $6 for students/retired members. You can join by adding the membership to your existing INFORMS membership. If you encounter any problems, feel free to email Eileen.
If you are joining INFORMS for the first time, you can choose to join Social Media Analytics for free (new members get one free community). You can join here.
Why Join?
Every now and then there is a singular opportunity to get involved with something new and exciting at its creation and to shape it into something great. I believe becoming a member of this INFORMS subdivision is such an opportunity. INFORMS is uniquely positioned to be a central hub for Social Media Analytics as an organization which brings together over 10,000 members who are technical strong, who representing the best in the world in a number of diversity fields, and whose interests range from pursuing pure theory to pursuing the applied, with many doing both.
The members will guide the direction of this subdivision. However, it is easy to imagine it will:
- Promote technical ideas at the National meeting with a large cluster of talks,
- Be a source of social media papers and data for members contribute as well as to use,
- Be a community to help find both like-minded members as well as members interested in social media but from a vantage point with complements one’s own,
- Help members recruit or be recruited for employment opportunities.
Les Servi
Founding Chair
Social Media Analytics Subdivision