On-Demand Edelman Award Presentations
View outstanding examples of difference-making OR/MS and analytics in practice. These presentations are originally made at the INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics and O.R. and compete for INFORMS top practice prize.
On-Demand Wagner Prize Presentations
View presentations of verifiable O.R. and analytics practice success that made a substantial difference in their organizations with the Wagner Prize Presentations. Use them in the classroom or to apply lessons learned to your own organizations.
Management Insights
Keep up to date on the practice relevance of each article in INFORMS premier journalManagement Science. These plain English updates are written by CPMS Secretary and Analytics Section president, Michael F. Gorman.
Edelman and Wagner Papers in Interfaces
Each year, the Jan/Feb issue of Interfaces is the Edelman Award Special Issue. Read these inspiring examples of major difference-making O.R. projects from the previous year. Free access to abstracts. Subscription required for full text.
- 2016 Interfaces features 2015 papers
- 2015 Interfaces features 2014 papers
- 2014 Interfaces features 2013 papers
- 2013 Interfaces features 2012 papers
- 2012 Interfaces features 2011 papers
- 2011 Interfaces features 2010 papers
- 2010 Interfaces features 2009 papers
Each year, the Sept/Oct issue of Interfaces is the Wagner Prize Special Issue. Read these expertly written accounts of verifiable O.R. success from the previous year. Free access to abstracts. Subscription required for full text.
- 2015 Interfaces features 2014 papers
- 2014 Interfaces features 2013 papers
- 2013 Interfaces features 2012 papers
- 2012 Interfaces features 2011 papers
- 2011 Interfaces features 2010 papers