That the INFORMS Section on Practice be the INFORMS Society that comprehensively supports and advances practice in analytics, operations research and the management sciences (analytics/OR/MS).
The Practice Section will
a) Continue working actively to understand the needs of the practitioner community, both INFORMS members and non-members, and to help INFORMS meet those needs with excellence, which if accomplished will encourage practitioners to become members of INFORMS and the Practice Section.
b) Continue its tradition of excellence in current core activities, including stewardship of the practice-based competitions (Edelman Award, Wagner Prize, UPS George D. Smith Prize), the Edelman Gala banguet, issuance of the newsletter, and management of the website.
c) Continue supporting such other practice-oriented initiatives as the INFORMS annual meeting (with a Practice Section track), the INFORMS Prize, the continuing education function, and the journal INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics.
d) Undertake new projects and programs that match its vision.
Just as INFORMS serves all facets of the umbrella profession of analytics/OR/MS, the Practice Section serves the entire community of full-time practitioners, part-time practitioners, and researchers with strong practice interests. Thus, while it concentrates on practical applications, Practice Section has wide interests that range over the full scope of OR/MS methods and fields of application.
Once this purpose has been fulfilled, the range of activities and size of membership will be consistent with those of a Society.
In pursuing its vision, the Practice Section will continue to partner with the INFORMS Vice President Practice, the INFORMS Roundtable and other subdivisions and committees in connection with advancing practice.