MAS Student Paper Competition

MAS Student Paper Competition


The Student Paper Competition is currently sponsored by MAS members and recognizes outstanding student research in topics directly related to MAS goals.  This award is new in 2024!  It will be awarded annually during the INFORMS Annual Meeting.

Eligibility Criteria

A nomination can be made by any INFORMS member, and self-nominations are allowed. Nominated authors and their papers must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • The nominee must have been a student in an accredited degree program on or after December 1st of the year preceding the nomination.
  • The research described in the paper must have been completed during the 2023-2024 academic year while the nominee was a student.
  • The submitted paper must present original research conducted primarily by the student.  The paper can be co-authored with other individuals, including the advisor(s) of the student, but the student's contribution must be such that they are considered the "first author", alphabetical authorship notwithstanding.
  • The paper must not have been previously published in a peer-reviewed journal, book, or conference proceeding. If the paper is under review by a publisher, please indicate where and when it was submitted, and the status of the review process.  The paper is eligible if not accepted for publication at the date of paper submission deadline.
  • The nominee must be a member of MAS on the date of submission and be willing to present their work at the upcoming INFORMS Annual Meeting.

Nomination Process

A complete nomination requires:

  1. An electronic (pdf) cover letter signed by both the student and advisor that includes
    • Name, affiliation, and contact information of the student, advisor, and other co-author
    • Paper title and a paragraph briefly characterizing the nature of their contributions (e.g., regarding modeling and/or solution approaches, coding and testing, policy and practical insights)
    • Up to three keywords describing the specific MAS application area and up to three keywords describing the main methodologies applied
    • A statement attesting to the fact that the eligibility requirements are met
    • The filename of the submitted cover letter should be EntrantLastName_CoverLetter.pdf
  2. An electronic (pdf) copy of the paper that meets the following criteria:
    • The paper should be completely anonymous. Author(s) names and affiliations should not appear
    • The formatting standards for submitting a paper to major INFORMS journals apply.  See
    • 32-page limit (1.5 line spacing) including the main body, figures, tables, and any appendices, but excluding the list of references. The statements of theorems, propositions, and other technical results may be given in the main body, but all proofs of technical results as well as unessential/supplementary figures/tables should be placed in appendices
    • The filename of the submitted paper should be ShortTitleOfThePaper.pdf

Not later than July 1, 2024, submit your nominated paper to the INFORMS online portal for the MAS Student Paper Competition at  Only electronic submissions are accepted.  Nominated papers must include complete citations or documentation. 

Evaluation Process

Nominations are evaluated with respect to the following four criteria:

  1. Quality of Research: The paper should exhibit a high level of academic rigor, with well-structured arguments, sound methodology, and adherence to research integrity standards. It must maintain the highest quality in terms of research and presentation.

  2. Novelty and Importance of Methodology: The paper should introduce innovative approaches, techniques, or methodologies that significantly advance military- and security-focused operations research. It should clearly demonstrate how the proposed methodology adds a fresh perspective to the field.

  3. Contribution to Military- and Security-focused Operations Research: The paper should make a substantial and meaningful contribution to the military and security operations research domain, addressing real-world challenges and offering practical insights, solutions, or frameworks.

  4. Potential for Impact on Practice: The paper should have the potential to influence and improve real-world practices within the military and security sectors. It should provide actionable recommendations, solutions, or a framework that can be readily applied by practitioners, with a clear path to practical implementation.

2024 Committee Chair: Matthew J. Robbins
