J. Steinhardt Prize

J. Steinhardt Prize

 J. Steinhardt

The J. Steinhardt Prize is sponsored by the CNA Corporation.


The prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to military  and security areas within operations research and is awarded for life work rather than for any particular contribution. The selection committee is composed primarily of previous award winners. The award is accompanied by a plaque and a $2,000 honorarium.

Nomination Process

A nomination can be made by any INFORMS member, and self-nominations are allowed.  A complete nomination requires:

  1. A nomination letter
  2. Either a curriculum vita or a resume for the nominee. 

The nomination letter should categorically address the following aspects of the nominee's lifetime contributions, each of which will be given equal consideration:

  1. Theory: Evidence of the advancement of the models and solution methodologies to address problems of interest in the military and/or security research domains.
  2. Application: Evidence of the impact of research and/or analysis upon decision-making and operations of military- or security-related organizations.
  3. Expertise: Evidence of recognized technical expertise via a combination of formal education and/or technical leadership experience.
  4. Development of researchers: Evidence of effective teaching,  mentoring, and development of analysts in the military and/or security domains.
  5. Service: Demonstrated leadership in professional service organizations in the domains of military and/or security analysis, specifically including (but not limited to) both INFORMS and MAS.

Not later than July 1, 2024, submit your nominated paper to the INFORMS online portal for the J. Steinhardt Prize at: https://informs-awards.secure-platform.com/a/solicitations/login/203.  Only electronic submissions are accepted.  If awarded, the J. Steinhardt Prize will be presented at the MAS Business Meeting during the INFORMS Annual Meeting.

2024 Committee Chair: Edward A. Pohl
Email: epohl@uark.edu