Journal Information

Management Review: An International Journal

pISSN: 1975-8480, eISSN: 2714-1047

(Editorial Officers Term: 2022-2025)

Senior Editor: Sang Hyung Ahn, Seoul National University

Editor-In-Chief: Chang Won Lee, Hanyang University 

Editorial Policy

Management Review: An International Journal (MRIJ) publishes intellectual findings to academies and practitioners in profit and non-profit organizations as well as local and global institutions on all aspects of managerial issues. MRIJ promotes the findings of sharing knowledge, exchanging experience and creating new ideas between academes and practitioners. MRIJ encourages all manuscripts of multi-disciplinary and cross-functional approaches with theoretical and empirical, technical and non-technical, and cases studies related to managerial issues in certain individual organizations, societies, countries.

Past Issues

MRIJ is indexed in ProQuest and the past issues are available at:

Manuscript Submission

Your manuscript should be original contents that are not copyrighted, published, accepted for publication by any other journal, or being reviewed to any other journal while being reviewed by the Journal. Your manuscript should be formatted with Century 12 points, 1.5 spaced, left-aligned, 2.5 inches of top, 1.5 left and right, and 2 bottom margins on international standard (letter) size. The manuscript size may be between seven and fifteen pages. Manuscript should follow generally accepted manuscripts printing guidelines. All manuscripts should be electronically submitted to the managing editor.

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail to the following:

   C. W. Lee


   Hanyang University,  Seoul 04763,  South Korea
   Tel: 82-2-2220-2790

with a copy to:

   Editorial Office

Subject Coverage

Examples of topics appropriate to the theme of the Journal include:

  • Case studies of global management perspective
  • Global leadership with innovation
  • New business creation within a global perspective
  • Pedagogy to foster global management
  • Process accessing to global business resources
  • Financing and investment decisions
  • Human resources and organizational aspects
  • Marketing and customer behaviors
  • Operations and supply chain
  • Information and Technology
  • Accounting
  • Role of government in business creation and growth
  • Successes and failures in global small and medium enterprises
  • Managing non-profit organization
  • Other related topics

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are at web page.

Full Submission Guidelines

All following information are available upon requests.

  • Author Guidelines
  • Author Entitlement and Postprint Permission
  • Copyright Notice
  • Privacy Statement
  • Sample Cover Letter/Email
  • Author Agreement

Editorial Board

Senior Edtor

Sang Hyung Ahn

Seoul National University


Chang Won Lee

Hanyang University

Associate Editors

Naoki Ando Hosei University, Japan

Lijun Chai, Qingdao Univ. of Science &Tech, China

Sung Ku Cho, Dongguk University, Korea

Kimberly P. Clayton-Code, Northern Kentucky University, USA

James J. Cochran, University of Alabama, USA

Gérard Fillion, Université de Moncton, Canada

David C. J. Ho, Oklahoma State University, USA

Sungmin Kang, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea

Soo Wook Kim, Seoul National University, Korea

Bowon Kim, KAIST, Korea

Eun-Seok Kim, Middlesex University London, UK

Joong-Soon Kim, Keimyung University, Korea

Seung Chul Kim, Hanyang University, Korea

Changhyun Kwon, University of South Florida, USA

Herbert Meyr, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

Jae Hyung Min, Sogang University, Korea

Chang Whan Lee, Ajou University, Korea

Yiming Li, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Kwang Tae Park, Korea University, Korea

Sherry Robinson, Penn State University, USA,

Placido Rogerio, Pinheiro University of Fortaleza, Brazil

Marc Schniederjans, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Dennis G. Severance, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA

Takashi Shimizu, University of Tokyo, Japan

Zhao Xiande, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China