Student Best Paper Award

Call for Best Student Paper Competition Entries

 Submissions are requested for the Informs-Section on Finance Best Student Paper Competition

Student complete papers are due by July 21, 2024 and should be sent to Review Committee via with subject - "Best Student Paper Competition in Finance".

1. The student entrant must be a member of the Finance Section on the date of submission.
The Section on Finance membership rate is:   
$13 for members of INFORMS,
$7.00 for a student or retired person that is also a member of INFORMS
$23.00 for a Section of Finance member only ( non- INFORMS member) 

2. The participant is a student or was a student on July 1st, 2023.
3. The paper must not have won a prize (1st-2nd) in a previous INFORMS Finance student paper competition.

4  A student may submit no more than one paper to the competition.

5. The paper must represent original research conducted primarily by the student and not have been published elsewhere. (It is OK if the paper is under review for a conference/journal.)

6.  Some assistance by other research (such as the student's faculty advisor) is permitted, and the paper may be co-authored with them, as long as the student makes a major contribution.

7. The main body of the paper should be at most 25 pages long, excluding references and technical appendices, using Management Science style requirements.

8. The topic of the paper should be aligned with the research interests of the INFORMS Finance Section, and synergistic with the topics covered in the invited sessions at the INFORMS Finance Annual meetings. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, portfolio selection, machine learning in finance, networks and systemic risk, financial technology (e.g. Blockchain and cryptocurrency applications), market liquidity and frictions, financial econometrics, algorithmic trading and market microstructure, commodities markets, credit risk and fixed income modeling.

9. If your paper is selected among finalists, you will be asked to present at the Finance Student Paper session at the INFORMS annual meeting.

10. Winners and honorable mentions will be awarded  at the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting.

11. At the discretion of the committee, awards way not be given should the number of submissions is less than 15.

The Student paper competition has always attracted excellent papers over the years. Winners and honorable mentions have published their papers in top journals of the field.