The application window is open for TSL Cross Regional Grants. These grants were created as part of our efforts to generate more collaboration across the four TSL regions (North America, Central and South America; Europe, Middle East and Africa; and Asia, Australia and New Zealand). The grants and application process are described below, with one grant aimed at doctoral students to study abroad and two others more broadly focused at driving collaborative research. Note that one of the Cross-regional Collaborative Grants is funded in partnership with VeRoLog.
The deadline for submission is August 31, 2022. The awards will be announced at the TSL Business Meeting at INFORMS on October 17, 2022. The selection committee is composed of the three International Liaisons and one representative appointed by VeRoLog, and is chaired by the TSL Past President. All applicants for these grants must be registered TSL members, and for the cross-regional grant funded by VeRoLog, one applicant needs to be a member of EURO. Preference will be given to applicants who have not won cross-regional grants in the past.
1) Cross-regional Collaborative Grant ($2,500): This grant is open to any two or more TSL members, located in at least two of the four TSL regions (North America; Central and South America; Europe, Middle East and Africa; or Asia, Australia and New Zealand), who intend to collaborate on a research project. To help generate new collaborative ties across boundaries, proposals from junior faculty and those who have not already conducted this type of collaborative research are most strongly encouraged. Preference will be given to applicants who have demonstrated a commitment to TSL. This grant may be used to fund travel, lodging or other expenses incurred in bringing the collaborators together.
As part of a collaborative agreement with VeRoLog, an additional grant is available to the best submission where at least one applicant is a member in good standing of a national society that is part of the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO).
Prior awardees who have received TSL Cross-regional Grants, except for doctoral grants, in the past three years are not eligible. It is expected that recipients will present the results of their collaborative research at the earliest possible INFORMS or TSL Society conference. The application should include the following (submitted as a single PDF file with naming format CRG_Name1_Name2.pdf):
Description of the Project: Describe in appropriate detail the proposed activity, including:
A brief description of the project, including its relevance and contribution to the TSL community as well as its broader impacts on society.
- Describe how this project relates to the research programs of the applicants, including their qualifications and future projects/proposals.
- Describe (briefly) the discussions that the collaborators have already conducted.
Applicants should limit the description to no more than 750 words, in double-spaced format.
Timeline and Proposed Budget:
- Describe how and when you anticipate disseminating the results of this project.
- Provide a brief budget for how the grant will be spent. This could be as simple as indicating that the budget will be spent on travel expenses.
Curriculum Vitae: Full Curriculum Vitae for each applicant, attached at the end of application.
2) Cross-regional Doctoral Grant ($3,000): This grant is open to any TSL member currently working towards a PhD who would like to spend time studying at an institution located outside of his/her home region. This grant may be used to fund travel, lodging or other expenses incurred during the grantee's visit. It is expected that the grant recipient will present at the earliest possible INFORMS or TSL Society conference. The application should consist of the following (submitted as a single PDF file with naming format CRG_Doctoral_Name1_Name2.pdf):
Description of the Visit: Describe in appropriate detail the proposed activity, including:
- The objectives of the doctoral candidate's visit. A brief description of the project, including its relevance and contribution to the TSL community as well as its broader impacts on society.
- Describe how this project relates to the applicant's thesis.
Applicants should limit the description to no more than 500 words, in double-spaced format.
Timeline and Proposed Budget:
- Provide a projected timeline for the proposed visit.
- Provide a brief budget for how the grant will be spent. This could be as simple as indicating that the budget will be spent on travel expenses.
Letter of Invitation from the host institution: This should provide a brief outline of the expectations for the candidate's visit. Limited to one page.
Letter of Recommendation from the candidate's advisor: This should indicate how the visit will advance the completion of the candidate's thesis. Limited to one page.
Curriculum Vitae: Full Curriculum Vitae-attach at end of application.
Applications for either grant may be submitted via email to Mike Hewitt,
2022 TSL Collaboration Grant Committee
Mike Hewitt, TSL Past President (2021)
Shadi Sharif Azadeh, International Liaison, Europe, Middle East & Africa
Hai Wang, International Liaison, Asia, Australia & New Zealand
Mathias Klapp, International Liaison, The Americas
Michael Schneider, VeRoLog
Layla Martin
Blog Editor @ TSL
Assistant Professor for Transport and Logistics
Eindhoven University of Technology