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The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

  • 1.  The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-01-2023 10:45
    Holger Teichgraeber, Ph.D., and I recently published an article in OR/MS Today on "The Interplay between Operations Research and Machine Learning." We found that the number of contributions in INFORMS journals/publications containing the string "machine learning" has been increasing exponentially in the past few years. I'm interested in hearing what you think the impact of the growth around ML will be on the interest of students to study mathematical optimization and O.R. Please share your thoughts.

    Anand Subramanian
    Universidade Federal da Paraiba
    João Pessoa

  • 2.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-02-2023 09:32

    Dear Anand,

    Thank you for bringing this subject to ORMS Today as well as for opening up the discussion here at INFORMS Connect.

    There is indeed many interesting opportunities at the intersection of OR and ML. In many ways, the methods and theoretical framework that we use in OR can be very useful to understand what neural networks can do and to make them more robust, among other things.

    Along with Gonzalo Munoz, Calvin Tsay, and Joey Huchette, who have all explored these possibilities in one way of another, we have recently released a survey on arXiv. The link is below:

    We hope that this survey helps showing some of these opportunities, and we are also eager for feedback about it.


    Thiago Serra
    Assistant Professor of Business Analytics, Bucknell University
    INFORMS Computing Society Vice Chair / Chair-Elect

  • 3.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-05-2023 10:45

    Dear Anand,

    Thank you for your interesting and insightful article in OR/MS Today about the interplay between OR and Machine Learning.

    You asked for our thoughts on... "the impact of the growth around ML will be on the interest of students to study math optimization..."

    First, ML (and more broadly AI) is a hot topic, growing rapidly, and in the news all the time. Its omnipresence will motivate students to learn about it.

    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL, a subset of ML), like math optimization, is a means of prescriptive analytics, that is, answering the question, "what decisions  should be made?" Think of this as what decisions will be best (in the case of math optimization) or what decisions will be very good (in the case of DRL) given objective(s) and constraints. 

    2021 Edelman finalists Alibaba (for vehicle routing) and Lenovo (to assign manufacturing orders to its 43 production lines and to sequence their production) both used DRL to generate tremendous value. These are just some of the many examples of DRL being powerful in practice. Of course, there are tons of practical examples of math optimization models and solvers providing tremendous value.

    Both DRL and Math Optimization should be viewed as power tools within the analytics professional's toolbox. Depending on the situation, either tool may be used. Being provably optimal, math optimization may have a theoretical edge, but in practice, the data of the objectives and constraints may never be known reliably enough for the difference between very good and optimal to be meaningful.

    And as you noted in your article--and you understand this better than I do, Anand--ML and math optimization may have integrated relationships in practical solution.

    In summary, students will be motivated by ML's popularity, and its relationships with math optimization makes it natural for students to learn both, and apply either one (or both of them in an integrated manner) depending on the problem context.

    John Milne
    Clarkson University
    Potsdam, NY

  • 4.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-05-2023 10:42

    Thank you for the informative and well-written article on a critical subject.  I regularly use term analytics without borders – this goes back to my start with IBM in 1977 and my graduate classes at Union where various decision and information disciplines worked together.  In "analytics" this was statistics and operation research.  The Operations Research community has never been "set in its ways", but always (although sometimes reluctantly) a growing tent.  I point the community to the work by Peter Norden, an INFORMS legend, who in the 1980s pioneered the integration of decision support and expert systems in OR.  In the mid-1980s, Herbert Simon gave a presentation on AI and OR – two heads are better than one.  Prof. Simon published this in Interfaces (now IJAA) at the urging of Prof. Norden.  This "without borders" approach is critical to bring to the data science community.  Again thank you for the article.

    Ken Fordyce
    director analytics without borders
    Wilmington DE

  • 5.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-05-2023 10:52

    I like the topic! I feel that with more and more application in Machine Learning in different fields and areas, people don't just simply "use" it, but also being creative on what to apply on. I've read many interesting stories on what it can be used for. One of the most mentioned topic recently I noticed, which is also mentioned in the article "The Interplay between Operation Research and Machine Learning", is to combine optimization and ML methods. I'm interested to see more and more innovative ideas in the future~ 

    Shannon (Xiaonan) Shang
    Lead Data Analyst
    Enovation Controls

  • 6.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-05-2023 11:46

    Regarding "the interest of students to study mathematical optimization and O.R.", I think we can view this (at least) three ways.

    First, some computer science (or computer science-adjacent) students may develop an interest in optimization methods to be applied to the training of ML models. I would not anticipate a tsunami here, but I've been known to be wrong before (frequently, in fact).

    Second, the ability to apply ML to practical problems of the sort we OR types work on might draw students who otherwise would not get interested, either because the math/stats prerequisites would scare them off or because ML would make OR look sexier (or would be the lure that got them to swallow the hook). Again, I'm not expecting a tsunami, and in fact the opposite might happen: students who in the past would have been drawn to OR because it gave them the tools to solve real world problems might go straight to applying ML (with possibly detrimental results if they don't develop "systems thinking"). 

    Third, we teach a certain amount of OR/MS to non-OR students. In the distant past I inflicted some of the usual topics (LP/IP, simulation, stochastic models, ...) on MBA students with varying mathematical backgrounds. If (and this is a big "if") generative AI models (ChatGPT, Bard etc.) can be trained up enough to do a reasonable job formulating correct models/applying correct techniques to the problems a B-school graduate sees on the job, we might actually be able to get those students more interested (and more comfortable with) some OR tools, by reducing the depth of training they need to use them. Maybe. Or maybe it will be a B-school graduate majoring in entrepreneurship who designs SkyNet.

    Paul Rubin
    Professor Emeritus
    Michigan State University
    East Lansing MI

  • 7.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-05-2023 13:50

    Anand, I am wondering if we are not seeing 'AI' or 'machine learning' often being used in place of the old language of 'optimization' and 'operations research'.  We always had algorithms; we have better ones now, and that trend will continue. But is there a qualitative difference?  I'm not so sure.  Some of the machine learning results are indeed impressive, but I see them as our continued march toward better analytical results.

    Some of the newer algorithms have explainability or interpretability problems when compared to say linear/logistic regression and even decision trees.  That is troubling to me as an analyst. 

    We do see some progress being made on identifying criteria for robustness and repeatability and methods to improve it. I've heard quite a few talks on various dimensions of that during the COVID season.  

    I foresee new programs featuring AI and machine learning language coming into vogue in schools. Unless traditional OR groups start reaching out specially, their student clientele will be split between the new programs and the current ones, depending on how good the salesmanship of the current OR groups is to make their programs believably attractive to the younger generation.  

    Optimization, yes; but under the OR rubric, maybe not.  Many routes to the same goal.

    Bruce Hartman
    University of St. Francis
    Tucson, AZ United States

  • 8.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-05-2023 17:02

    Thanks for sharing.  Having helped students in both CS and OR programs over the last couple of years, I would say that ML has increased dramatically in the vernacular of many professions.  Not unlike AI, ML brings a certain amount of funding, which attracts both academics and industry professionals.  The term ML is what feels new.  The concept of ML is not.  However, it is exciting to see how OR and analytics professionals continue to use ML (with or without combining other traditional OR methods) to produce new ways to speed up and improve decision making.  Like some others have posted, I too am often concerned about the explainability of the solutions.  Although, most people that drive cars couldn't tell you how they work.....or for that matter how their phone works.  ML will continue to advance so long as trust is possible.  

    Nick Ulmer, CAP
    Naval Postgraduate School
    Pacific Grove CA

  • 9.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-06-2023 09:25

    I agree that the Decision Maker doesn't need to understand how the engine works that gives the solution, but if the answer is not consistent with their gut or thinking, there needs to be an explanation.   Explain why this alternative is better than other alternatives that were considered.   Why did we take our bike rather than drive to the pharmacy that was 1 mile away.   Show the results in a graphic (time to complete the trip due to parking difficulties, or traffic.)  Unless the decision maker understands the recommendations there may not be "commitment to action".

    Decision Scientist Consultant
    Fremont CA

  • 10.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-06-2023 02:09

    Dear Anand and Holger,
    Thank you for your inspiring article. Naturally, the exponential growth in the number of publications in ML in IFORMS journals would appear somewhat threatening to the OR community. However, I see ML as a evolutionary phase which modernises the thinking in OR /optimization analytics but will not supercede it. A possible explanation for the exponential growth in publications is due to the trendiness of AI (ML). I see a complementarity interplay and OR/ Optimization researchers and practitioners need not worry but emphasize this complementarity relationship so that the students appreciate the role OR/ Optimization plays in the evolutionary continuum. Your concluding remarks make this point.

    Kind regards,
    Cecilia Nembou
    Nembou Consulting Services Limited
    Papua New Guinea

    [Cecilia] [Nembou] [Adjunct Professor]
    [Nembou Consulting Services Limited]
    [Madang] [Papua New Guinea]

  • 11.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-06-2023 08:23

    Dear Anand,

    I appreciate the article and see that there is a concern over ML being studied by "everyone" with disciplines such as OR sometimes viewed as less important. I am a 20+ practitioner of analytics in the electric power generation industry and also a registered Professional Engineer (Mechanical). It is necessary in engineering disciplines to embrace AI and ML technologies just as other tools have been embraced in the past. The same is true, in my opinion, on OR studies - must teach and apply AI/ML technologies to advance the field.

    One application of mathematical optimization that I've run across earlier in my career is control system optimization, particularly complex control loops that have cascade, feedforward, etc. types of strategies. In the recent years model predictive control has gained acceptance as the black box has become more understood. Whether traditional controls, advanced controls, or hybrid using AI/ML, the need to understand mathematical optimization is critical. In general, the underlying mathematics and sciences (e.g., physics) are even more important to understand as the AI/ML solutions need to be maintained.

    Students sometimes do not know where to focus their studies, especially electives. It's up to the professional community, such as this society, to inform and educate students as to what topics should be studied along their journey.

    Topic appreciated!

    Aaron Hussey
    Founder & CEO
    Integral Analytics, LLC
    Concord NC

  • 12.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-07-2023 15:03
    Edited by Mikhail Bragin 05-09-2023 19:19

    Dear All,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and experiences, and for initiating this discussion at INFORMS. Your efforts in facilitating this conversation are truly appreciated.

    Throughout my collaborations with professionals from diverse fields, including Operations Research, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Industrial Engineering, I have experienced firsthand the vast potential that interdisciplinary connections offer. This realization emphasizes the importance of bridging the gaps between disciplines in order to discover innovative solutions and advance our understanding of complex problems.

    I believe that Machine Learning (ML) is not merely a buzzword or a one-size-fits-all solution; it represents an established and growing trend with the capability to reveal new approaches for efficiently tackling critical challenges through collaborative efforts. In some instances, ML has proven to be the missing "piece of the puzzle" that enables effective problem resolution in areas of societal importance. Although my primary research focus is in ECE, with most of my publications in IEEE journals, I have expanded my contributions to address pressing societal concerns by working across departments and exploring the intersection of Operations Research (OR) and ML. I see ML as a valuable opportunity for growth and innovation within OR, particularly for solving problems with numerous decision variables and constraints. It is worth noting that the interpretability of ML in OR problems can sometimes raise concerns.

    I appreciate how INFORMS creates an inclusive environment, bringing together researchers from various fields to collaborate and address essential issues efficiently and synergistically.

    At the INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023, I am organizing a session titled "Exploring the Intersection of Machine Learning and Discrete Optimization: Techniques and Applications." This session aims to connect Machine Learning and Discrete Optimization by offering insights into different techniques and their practical applications. We will discuss machine learning and discrete optimization concepts and how they can be effectively combined. We will explore various techniques for integrating machine learning into discrete optimization problems, such as Lagrangian relaxation, Reinforcement Learning, and Deep Neural Networks. Additionally, we will examine the application of these techniques in real-world problems, including manufacturing scheduling, power systems optimization, and transportation. The session is tailored for data scientists, machine learning engineers, optimization experts, and anyone interested in the intersection of machine learning and discrete optimization.

    I am pleased to share several papers I have contributed to, which showcase the synergy between Operations Research (OR) and Machine Learning (ML) in addressing challenges in Manufacturing, Power Systems, and Healthcare:

    1.      Integrating Machine Learning and Mathematical Optimization for Job-Shop Scheduling [1]

    Job-shop scheduling is a crucial and challenging optimization problem for low-volume, high-variety manufacturing, requiring quick solutions. The increasing demand for customized products leads to growing problem sizes, making efficient job-shop scheduling difficult to solve to meet production deadlines and on-time delivery. The direct machine learning application for large-scale job-shop scheduling suffers from generalizability difficulties, making it challenging to predict solutions for a wide range of jobs.

    Interplay between OR/ML: The synergistic integration of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) within the Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation (SLR) framework, a decomposition and coordination approach, is to predict good-enough solutions for job subproblems thereby overcoming learning difficulties caused by large scales ultimately leading to much reduced computational time and effort as well as to high-quality schedules to avoid late shipments and maintain customer satisfaction. To improve generalization for various jobs, we establish "surrogate" job subproblems, solutions to which are even easier to learn, develop a DNN based on Pointer Network together with a Masking mechanism to predict their solutions and calculate the overall feasible solutions based on these predictions as well as on efficient SLR-enabled coordination. The integration of OR and ML demonstrates the potential for addressing complex problems arising in OR.

    Kudos to Anbang Liu (Tsinghua)! The associated paper is conditionally accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. Preprint: Anbang Liu is also a co-chair of the session "Exploring the Intersection of Machine Learning and Discrete Optimization: Techniques and Applications" at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023. Don't miss it! :) A big thank you to @Thiago Serra for inviting us to organize the session!


    2.      Synergistic Integration of Machine Learning and Mathematical Optimization for Unit Commitment [2]

    Unit Commitment (UC) is crucial for power system operations, however, with increasing challenges such as growing intermittent renewables and intra-hour net load variability, traditional mathematical optimization can be time-consuming. The commitment of units/generators that is robust to stochastic events is important to avoid unscheduled power outages as well as to increase operational efficiency. Machine learning (ML) is a promising alternative to traditional approaches, but directly learning good solutions for UC is difficult due to its combinatorial nature. We synergistically integrate ML within the decomposition and coordination method of Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation to learn "good enough" subproblem solutions of deterministic UC. Compared to the original UC, subproblems are much easier to learn. 

    Interplay between OR/ML: This paper integrates machine learning (ML) within the Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation to solve the Unit Commitment (UC) problem efficiently. This research also demonstrates the potential of combining machine learning and mathematical optimization in solving complex power system operation optimization problems like Unit Commitment and many other MIP problems.

    Kudos to Jianghua Wu (the University of Connecticut, ECE)! The associated paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 

    Within the above two papers, supported by fast coordination and superlinear reduction of complexity, the ML was indeed the missing piece to unlock the potential toward solving MIP problems within milliseconds. The research is ongoing, and we expect the interplay of OR and ML to continue in other fields beyond manufacturing and power systems.

    The above papers focus on solving MIP problems by using ML techniques. How about MIP techniques helping to resolve issues arising in ML?

    3. Combining Multi-View Ensemble and Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation for Real-Time 3D Biomedical Image Segmentation on the Edge [3]

    Real-time 3D biomedical image segmentation is essential due to the growing medical imaging data, but deep learning-based methods often require high computation and memory resources. Additionally, privacy and security of patient data are primary concerns in medical applications, making it necessary for 3D biomedical image segmentation to be performed locally (i.e., on the edge) with limited resources. We developed a combination of multi-view ensemble and Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation (SLR) for real-time 3D biomedical image segmentation on edge. The new method avoids directly dealing with complex 3D biomedical images by leveraging multi-view ensemble techniques, which enable efficient processing of 3D images using multiple 2D views. The Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation method is integrated to further optimize the segmentation process.

    Interplay between OR/ML: This paper synergistically combines a multi-view ensemble technique, an ML approach, with the Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation, to achieve real-time 3D biomedical image segmentation on the edge, with significant implications for healthcare. This research presents an innovative approach to address the challenges of computational and memory constraints while ensuring patient data privacy and security. The Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation method not only provides a promising solution for efficient and accurate medical image segmentation in resource-constrained environments but also facilitates effective DNN model compression through neuron and/or weight pruning. Model compression is essential for minimizing the computational resources and memory needed to deploy deep learning models, especially in edge devices with limited processing capabilities. The effectiveness of this approach has been demonstrated in various other applications, including image classification, object detection, and specific tasks such as lane detection [4].

    Kudos to Shanglin Zhou (the University of Connecticut, CSE)! The associated paper has been accepted by Neurocomputing.

    Conclusion and Broader Perspective:
    Integrating ML into traditional OR algorithmic frameworks can effectively address many concerns and challenges, paving the way to solve MIP problems with significant societal implications. For example, ML can be used to quickly predict subproblem solutions within decomposition and coordination frameworks, such as Lagrangian Relaxation (LR). With recent developments, LR ensures fast convergence leading to high-quality feasible solutions to a MIP problem, while ML provides a rapid solution strategy for subproblems in the order of milliseconds. This represents an innovative fusion of conventional OR and ML methods. Moreover, ML models based on Lagrangian multipliers (i.e., shadow prices) align with the economics concept of supply-demand shifts in response to market price variations, making ML-based methods of [1] and [2] highly interpretable.


    [1] A.-B. Liu, P. B. Luh, K. Sun, M. A. Bragin and B. Yan, "Integrating Machine Learning and Mathematical Optimization for Job Shop Scheduling," conditionally accepted to IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.

    [2] J. Wu, P. B. Luh, Y. Chen, M. A. Bragin, and B. Yan, "Synergistic Integration of Machine Learning and Mathematical Optimization for Unit Commitment," accepted to IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3240106

    [3] S. Zhou, X. Xu, M. A. Bragin, and J. Bai, "Combining Multi-view Ensemble and Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation for Real-time 3D Biomedical Image Segmentation on the Edge," Neurocomputing, Volume 512, November 2022, pp. 466 – 481. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2022.09.039

    Additional Reading/Supporting Publications:

    [4] B. Li, Z. Wang, S. Huang, M. A. Bragin, J. Li and C. Ding, "Towards Lossless Head Pruning through Automatic Peer Distillation for Language Models," accepted to Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23) (Acceptance rate: 15%)

    [5] Z. Wang‡, B. Li, X. Xiao, T. Zhang, M. A. Bragin‡, B. Yan, C. Ding, and S. Rajasekaran, "Automatic Subnetwork Search Through Dynamic Differentiable Neuron Pruning," accepted to ISQED 2023 (Special Session)

    [6] D. Gurevin‡, M. A. Bragin‡, C. Ding‡, S. Zhou, L. Pepin, B. Li, and F. Miao, "Enabling Retrain-Free Deep Neural Network Pruning using Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation," Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), pp. 2497-2504. DOI: 10.24963/ijcai.2021/344 (Acceptance rate: 13.9%)

    [7] W. Wan, P. Zhang, M. A. Bragin, and P. B. Luh, "Safety-Assured, Real-Time Neural Active Fault Management for Resilient Microgrids Integration," iEnergy, Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2022, pp. 453 - 462. DOI: 10.23919/IEN.2022.0048

    [8] D. Zhdanov, S. Bhattacharjee, and M. A. Bragin, "Incorporating FAT and Privacy-Aware AI Modeling Approaches into Business Decision Making Frameworks," Decision Support Systems, Volume 155, April 2022, 113715. DOI: 10.1016/j.dss.2021.113715

    [9] M. A. Bragin, P. B. Luh, J. H. Yan, N. Yu, and G. A. Stern, "Convergence of the Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation Method," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Volume 164, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 173 – 201. DOI: 10.1007/s10957-014-0561-3

    Mikhail Bragin
    University of California, Riverside
    Riverside CA

  • 13.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-10-2023 07:32

    Thank you for this very interesting discussion thread.

    I agree with everyone who says that there are real opportunities in the integration of ML and OR. Indeed, this has already been widely recognized, and there are many workshops and articles in the "traditional" AI conferences about the integration of these two. Examples are the AAAI 2022 Machine Learning for OR Workshop and the AAAI-22 Workshop on AI for Decision Optimization (for which I was one of the organizers). There's also this NSF funded Artificial Intelligence Institute for Advances in Optimization which deals with the theory and application of a combination of AI (with a focus on machine learning) techniques and artificial intelligence.

    I also believe that ML based large language models  (such as ChatGPT), when combined with OR based techniques, have the potential to transform both the way business professionals make decisions, as well as how OR/Analytics practitioners help such professionals make these decisions (for a very small taste, see some experiments on using ChatGPT to create optimization models starting from minute 19 of the video here as well as ChatGPT Does Decision Intelligence for Net Zero).

    Segev Wasserkrug
    Research Staff Member
    IBM Research - Israel

  • 14.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-11-2023 12:13

    This is a fabulous topic.  It starts with the question of "what is OR?".  There are many who equate OR and optimization, as perhaps you are.  I think of "OR" as all the activities within Informs - in other words, it is whatever the community is doing.  This includes the methodological communities (optimization, simulation, data science, applied probability) and a host of application areas that I tend to describe as "human processes" - supply chain management, transportation, energy, health, ... (there are dozens of subdivisions).

    Most of the problem domains in Informs require research that is model-based - we have to build models of our supply chains, transportation systems, health systems, and so on.  This is challenging, but opens the door for creating models that help us design and control these systems.

    Machine learning is data-based - we use fairly generic mathematical models (neural networks have become one of the most popular choices here) and then use datasets (the bigger the better) to fit these models to the data.  This eliminates all the work of creating a model of a physical problem.  Having spent countless thousands of hours in airplanes flying to visit companies to learn about their problems, I can understand the appeal of machine learning.

    The flip side is that the best you can do with machine learning is to mimic the performance you observed.  One of the great breakthroughs of operations research was the ability to solve the large integer programs to optimize fleets of aircraft.  This is model-based research, and represents a major achievement of OR.  This past year we were given a peek at what happens to companies (such as Southwest) that did not embrace these technologies.

    My own research, motivated by problems in freight transportation, all center on sequential decision problems (decision, information, decision, information, ...) which are studied under many names such as dynamic programming, stochastic programming, optimal control, and, increasingly, "reinforcement learning".  Please see for a resources webpage on the field of sequential decision problems.  I will note that my new book (see has an 80 page chapter (chapter 3) on machine learning - ML is widely used within sequential decision problems.

    For a quick introduction to sequential decision problems, see the youtube video In this talk I build a bridge between machine learning and sequential decision problems.

    I like to think that all of this is OR!

    Warren Powell
    Chief Innovation Officer, Optimal Dynamics
    Professor Emeritus, Princeton University

  • 15.  RE: The Interplay between OR and Machine Learning

    Posted 05-16-2023 01:46

    Such great discussion and thoughts on the topic here, thank you everyone for engaging!
    When Anand and I wrote this article, we had a multiple applications in mind, and it is great to see even more added here. 

    One thing that kept coming to my mind while I read through the responses here is that I noticed while frequently writing about ML+OR on LinkedIn how enthusiastic many of us current and past OR professionals are about our discipline (be it current researchers, OR scientists in industry, or practitioners in industry that have studied or once worked in OR, but now work in other fields such as ML). 

    I can only speculate as to why, but I believe a core reason is related to what Paul Rubin mentions, that OR teaches and encourages to think of the "system". I believe there is a beauty to the concept of thinking of the whole system, formulating and solving it mathematically, i.e. optimizing it as a whole, that makes many people very enthusiastic about our profession. 

    I am optimistic that this is a core reason why OR will continue to draw students into the field, even with strong competition from ML and other fields. I can see a balanced push and pull with the field of ML, but overall the "systems thinking" OR provides has a unique value proposition that if marketed well has strong appeal to students and practitioners alike. Especially in combination with ML knowledge, this is a very powerful tool to solve problems around many different application areas. 

    Holger Teichgraeber
    Archer Aviation
    Sunnyvale CA