INFORMS Open Forum

New Research Priorities in AI Engineering

  • 1.  New Research Priorities in AI Engineering

    Posted 05-29-2024 12:28

    A new report released last week by the Engineering Research Visioning Alliance (ERVA), an initiative funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), outlines key research priorities.

    In particular, the first two priorities are closely related to the role our community plays in advancing AI engineering.

    1. Design, Manufacturing, and Operations:

    • Safe and Trustworthy AI Systems: The report emphasizes the need to design AI systems that are secure, reliable, and beneficial to humanity, particularly in critical settings.
    • Transforming Manufacturing: AI engineering can significantly improve manufacturing by enhancing quality, efficiency, and reducing costs and time-to-market.

    2. AI Engineering for Humans and Society:

    • Human-AI Collaboration: It's crucial to develop systems that enable effective teamwork between humans and AI, improving both productivity and safety.
    • Handling Rare Events: AI can play a key role in predicting and mitigating the impact of rare, high-consequence events, which is vital for areas like disaster response and infrastructure management.

    You can read the full report here. We encourage INFORMS members to read it and explore the opportunities it presents for our community. 

    Tinglong Dai
    Bernard T. Ferrari Professor of Business
    Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore MD