Dear Prabhupad,
I know INFORMS offers some fellowships for students to attend the meeting. Also, INFORMS offers positions in the conference's editorial section, waives the conference fees, and provides other perks in return. You should ask to the INFORMS staff for more information.
Jose Ramirez.
Jose Ramirez Calderon
Associate Director of the Institute for Operations Research at Galileo University
Universidad Galileo
Guatemala City
Original Message:
Sent: 07-31-2023 03:35
From: Prabhupad Bharadwaj
Subject: INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023
Hello everyone! My paper has got the acceptance for Oral presentation at the INFORMS annual meeting 2023. I was wondering, is there a way to get funding or fee waiver for students from developing countries traveling to the US to present in the conference?
Prabhupad Bharadwaj