Appreciate your response. It is good to see that you feel quite connected.
The author, as per my understanding is particularly talking about building human connections, which has a different meaning for different users. In that context, I came across this number, called Dunbar number.
To answer the question, why does it matter; the goal of the author is to help human beings live peacefully in a noisy world.
Hope this helps.
Jayant Singh
San Leandro CA
Original Message:
Sent: 06-09-2024 03:05
From: Alberto Aparicio
Subject: How many online connections do we really need to feel connected?
I feel pretty connected with folks in LinkedIn. I message people all the time and usually get a response. Anyway, why does this matter?
Alberto Aparicio
Data Analyst
Charitable Adult Rides & Services, Inc.
San Diego
Original Message:
Sent: 06-03-2024 19:47
From: Jayant Singh
Subject: How many online connections do we really need to feel connected?
Hello friends,
As we all know digital tools are deluding our lives with comments, tags, likes, hearts, etc. We often have 500+ followers but we have no clue who they are.
In the book Digital Minimalism, the author Cal Newport has given some practical tools to get a handle on our lives.
In this context, I learnt of Dunbar number, whose value is 150. This is the number of acquaintances our mind can hold connection with.
Happy to know others thoughts. Please feel free to chime in.
Jayant Singh
San Leandro CA