To the question of Experiment or Theory, I fully believe that experiment is better to learn and understand. We learn by doing. We learn to facilitate through practice. We could take a course in facilitation, but unless you do it yourself you don't know what is right for you.
Then there is mathematical programming or statistics. Doing statistics, even on dummy data and seeing how it works we learn. Applying some statistical equation out of a book doesn't really help you to understand. Look at how Khan Academy teaches subjects. It isn't theory it is through online examples.
Brian Putt
Decision Scientist Consultant
Fremont CA
Original Message:
Sent: 07-14-2024 23:33
From: Jayant Singh
Subject: Experiment or Theory: which is the better way to learn a concept
Hello colleagues,
Currently I am going through the biography of Leonardo Da Vinci by Walter Isaacson.
I feel that every page of the book touches the life of Leonardo, and is a hidden gem of knowledge. Among those is the approach used by Leonardo to learn anything new.
Rather than sticking with one fixed approach; experience or theoretical study; he devised his own flexible approach. This entailed going in both directions from effect to cause as well as cause to effect.
Please feel free to share your thoughts on which approach suits you better in your learning endeavor.
Jayant Singh
San Leandro CA