INFORMS Open Forum

Decision Analysis Society Student Paper Award: Deadline July 21 2024

  • 1.  Decision Analysis Society Student Paper Award: Deadline July 21 2024

    Posted 07-09-2024 20:21

    Dear colleagues,

    We are accepting submissions for the Decision Analysis Society Student Paper Award. The deadline is July 21, 2024.

    The Award is given annually to the best decision analysis paper by a student author, as judged by an award selection committee. The scope includes, but is not limited to, theoretical and methodological contributions to decision analysis, descriptions of applications, and experimental studies. We encourage all types of relevant research methodologies, including applied probability theory, data science, decision theory, game theory, machine learning, optimization, and statistics, as long as the link to prescriptive decision making is clear. Publications addressing behavioral aspects of decision making are eligible if the relevance to the theory or practice of prescriptive decision analysis is clear. Nominated publications will be judged for significance, relevance, originality, quality of execution, and readability.

    More details and submission instructions can be found here.

    We look forward to your submissions!

    The Committee Chairs,

    Jacqueline Csonka-Peeren and Spyros Zoumpoulis

    Spyros Zoumpoulis
    Associate Professor of Decision Sciences