INFORMS Open Forum

call for proposals to host the 2023 MSOM Conference

  • 1.  call for proposals to host the 2023 MSOM Conference

    Posted 12-06-2020 19:42
    Dear Colleagues,

    This is a call for proposals to host the MSOM Conference in 2023.

    The 2021 MSOM Conference will be held at Indiana University; depending on the survey outcome, it will be either virtual on June 6-8, 2021 or hybrid in August 2021. The 2022 MSOM Conference will be held at the Technical University of Munich on June 26-28, 2022. By tradition, the 2023 MSOM Conference should be held in North America.

    We ask that schools interested in submitting a proposal to please notify us by April 1 2021 of their intent. This can be done by sending an email to the VP of Meetings, Burak Kazaz, at Please note that that registering intent does not commit the school to submit a proposal.
    Full proposals should be sent to before May 1, 2021.

    All proposals will be evaluated by the MSOM board who is open to the possibility of a jointly organized conference where two or more schools in the same location can organize the conference collectively.
    A proposal to host the 2023 MSOM Conference should address the following:
    1. The Society Bylaws (as amended) require that a proposal to host the conference must name a conference chair (or one of the conference co-chairs) to serve as the primary contact between conference organizers and the Society officers.
    a) Who will be the conference chair or co-chair?
    b) Who else will be involved in organizing the conference?
    2. Attendance at recent conferences has been on the order of 400 to 500 registered participants. Please provide information showing that your proposal has the ability to handle a group of this size. In particular, please address the following questions:
    a) How many local hotel rooms are available? How far from the conference site are the main accommodation options located?
    b) How many tracks would your school be able to accommodate? (Assume that a room must be able to hold comfortably 60 people at a minimum in order to host a track.) Arrangement should be made in order to accommodate 10 to 15 simultaneous tracks.
    c) Where would the conference rooms be located, i.e., would some conference tracks be located in different buildings and, if so, how far would they be from each other?
    3. The MSOM Society is required to have a business meeting at the conference. This has usually been held over lunch on the first day of the conference. Is there a large auditorium available for the meeting?
    4. Some of the past MSOM conferences lost a significant amount of money (on the order of $15,000 to $20,000). This deficit was covered by the host institution. Moreover, there is a probability that the conference might take place in a virtual format due to an unforeseeable event. The current MSOM officers feel it is important that, as the size of the conference grows, it should be run on at least a break even basis.
    a) Please provide a rough budget for the conference. Factors to consider are any facility charges; catering charges (for lunch and coffee breaks); staff charges (do support staff need to bill all of their time to a specific account?); transportation charges (either from the hotel to the conference or to any social event); any social events.
    b) What do you anticipate charging for the conference in order to break even? Note that historically, anywhere between 30 to 45% of attendees are students and thus charged significantly less (traditionally 1/3 the regular registration fee). Also assume attendees for Special Interest Group conferences are charged roughly the relevant catering costs. In the past couple of years, the average charges were about USD 600 for regular members (USD 525 for early registration) and USD 275 for regular student members (USD 200 for early registration).
    c) Indicate if your institution will be able to contribute sponsorship money to the conference, and if so, how much.
    5. What social events would be possible?
    6. Listed below are some additional guidelines for MSOM conferences. Would you plan on following these guidelines?
    a) The conference shall be held no earlier than the second week of June and no later than the third week of July. Any deviation from this timing must be approved by a majority of Society officers. In addition, we may need to coordinate with INFORMS to avoid potential conflicts with other major Conferences (e.g., INFORMS International Conference).
    b) The one-day Special Interest Group workshops will take place immediately preceding the MSOM conference. The MSOM conference organizers are responsible for providing each SIG with adequate facilities, as well as for the arrangement of food for each SIG. The MSOM conference organizers will work with each SIG chair so as to synchronize the conference and workshops registration and submission deadlines.
    c) The abstract submission process with blind review will be used to accept papers into the contributed sessions. Each abstract should consist of (no more than) a 3-page description of the work to be present. The abstract should include a brief description of the research problem, the key methodology and assumptions used, and a summary of major results and their significance, but should not include any math or Greek symbols.
    d) There should be a poster session that is held in conjunction with a schedule break in the conference - no other sessions should take place at this time. All papers submitted to the MSOM conference by the stated due date are immediately accepted into the poster session. It is up to the conference organizers if a paper accepted/invited into one of the regular tracks will be withdrawn from the poster session, or if a paper can be presented in both mediums.
    e) The conference organizers have within their discretion the ability to include invited papers within the conference. The total number of invited papers should not exceed the equivalent of 1/3 of the total paper presentations. The purpose of the invited tracks is to help promote "cutting edge" research as well as encourage the participation of select individual whom the conference organizers deem beneficial to the overall quality of the conference.
    f) All presentations within the Invited and Contributed sessions are to be allocated 30 minutes each.
    7. Please provide any other information that you feel would be relevant to the board when evaluating the attractiveness of your proposal to host the 2023 MSOM conference.

    Best wishes,
    Burak Kazaz
    MSOM VP for Meetings and Communications

    Burak Kazaz
    The Steven R. Becker Professor of Supply Chain Management
    Syracuse University
    Syracuse NY