
Gifts for Smart Phone Enthusiasts

By James Mellor posted 09-29-2020 00:24


As you prepare for this year’s holiday shopping, it’s likely you have at least one smartphone enthusiast to shop for. In fact, in this day and age, aren’t we all smartphone enthusiasts? Our devices live in our pockets, and it seems we never go more than ten minutes without staring into a tiny screen. When deciding on gifts for friends and relatives, it’s important to keep this digital obsession in mind. Here are the top five smartphone-related presents to consider this year.

Smartphone Gloves

Even when the winter is at its coldest, smartphone fanatics will want to be able to use their phone outside. This can cause problems when it’s so cold that gloves are a necessity. Most of us know how frustrating it is to have to remove our gloves every time we want to respond to a message or check our email. Luckily, there are special gloves that allow you to use a touchscreen without taking them off. These gloves make a perfect gift for any phone-lovers in a cold climate.

Glass Screen Protector

Scratches and cracks in the screen are any phone enthusiast’s worst nightmare. No matter how much a person takes care of their phone, it seems the occasional accident is unavoidable. Lots of people invest in a simple plastic screen protector, which offers some protection but is far from a perfect solution. Glass screen protectors are a bit pricier, but they do a much better job.

Wooden Phone Case

Wooden cases are unique and stylish in a really satisfying way. Even the most ardent phone-lovers might lament the fact that smartphones and the digital realm they represent take us away from nature and all that is truly organic about life. A wooden case helps diminish this unpleasant effect by enveloping the phone in an entirely natural material. These classy cases are perfect for phone-addicted lovers of the natural world.

Video Doorbells

We all recognize that moment of discomfort just after the doorbell rings, those few seconds when we stop and wonder “Who could it be?” The feeling is so widespread that Men At Work even wrote a song about it. Well, for people with a smartphone, it’s now possible to do away with that feeling once and for all. Video doorbells allow people to check their smartphones for an image of the person who is outside their door. This can provide both a sense of ease and greater personal safety. Take a look at the best video doorbells of 2020 as you conduct your holiday shopping.

Extra-Long Charger Cable

Lots of smartphone owners complain about the length of their charger cable, and yet, inexplicable, they don’t do anything about it. If you’ve seen your friend sitting on the floor by an outlet so that they can charge and use their phone at the same time, then it’s on you to intervene. Chargers with extra-long cables are cheap and easy to find, making them ideal stocking stuffers or low-key gifts for a friend.

Smartphones are now every individual's most essential plaything and tool. There are all sorts of accessories that can add to their usefulness and entertainment value. If you know people who are practically attached to their phone, then one of these products will make for a perfect gift.

