

Innovative Applications in Analytics Award

The Innovative Applications in Analytics Award, inaugurated in 2012 as the Innovation in Analytics Award, recognizes creative and unique application of analytical techniques. As stated on the award website, the prize “promotes the awareness and value of the creative combination of analytics techniques in unusual applications to provide insights and business value.” To win the award, implementations must integrate theoretical advances and innovative applications in order to create value.

Michael F. Gorman Distinguished Award for Contributions to the Analytics Society

The Analytics Society of INFORMS is deeply appreciative of its volunteer's contributions, and it endeavors to find ways to recognize and encourage such outstanding service. Toward that end, the society established in 2020 the Michael F. Gorman Distinguished Award for Contributions to the Analytics Society. The award is named after Michael Gorman, the first President of the Analytics Society, as a recognition of his outstanding service to the society and INFORMS at large.