INFORMS Open Forum

WSC 2024 PhD Colloquium - Extended Abstracts due August 30!

  • 1.  WSC 2024 PhD Colloquium - Extended Abstracts due August 30!

    Posted 08-23-2024 15:52

    Call for Extended Abstracts: 2024 Winter Simulation Conference PhD Colloquium

    In 2024, ACM-SIGSIM and INFORMS-Sim will once again sponsor the Ph.D. Colloquium for Ph.D. students who are within two years of graduation (planning to graduate by December 2026). Students close to graduation will be given an opportunity to showcase their work during a short presentation session and a poster during the Colloquium (apart from the regular tracks). Presenting your Ph.D. work to your peers and the larger simulation community will give you the opportunity to receive valuable feedback and ideas, as well as introduce you to a network that can be very helpful for your career once you graduate.

    The keynote talk of this year's colloquium will be given by Dr. Claudia Szabo, University of Adelaide. WSC 2024 will be held from December 15 to 18 at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida.

    There are two options to participate in the Ph.D. Colloquium with different benefits:

    1. Poster and Presentation: Submit a 2-page extended abstract and presentation slides. Bring your poster to the conference.
      Benefit 1: If accepted, both ACM-SIGSIM and INFORMS-Sim provide a
      complimentary one-year membership.
      Benefit 2: ACM-SIGSIM and INFORMS-Sim will reimburse the conference registration fee.
    2. Poster, Presentation, and Full Paper: Submit a 2-page extended abstract and presentation slides. Bring your poster to the conference. In addition, you have submitted a full paper to a regular track (a contributed paper, not an invited paper), and it has been accepted.
      Benefit 1: Both ACM-SIGSIM and INFORMS-Sim provide a complimentary one-year membership.
      Benefit 2: ACM-SIGSIM and INFORMS-Sim will reimburse the conference registration fee.
      Benefit 3: You will be eligible to compete for a best paper award, provided that your full paper is accepted in a regular track

    Those students who have a contributed paper in a regular track will be eligible for the Ph.D. Colloquium Best Paper awards. Note that invited papers cannot be considered for the Best Paper awards. Students interested in competing for a Best Paper award should include their contributed paper ID when completing the Ph.D. Colloquium submission. An email should also be sent to the chair of the Ph.D. Colloquium that includes the contributed paper ID and indicates intent to participate in the Best Paper competition

    Important Dates

    August 30: Submission deadline
    September 16: Notification of acceptance to authors, including details about required revisions.
    September 27: Submit final version of the extended abstract
    WSC 2024 Ph.D. Colloquium Committee

    Cristina Ruiz Martin, Carleton University (chair)

    Siyang Gao, City University of Hong Kong

    Eunhye Song, Georgia Institute of Technology

    Alison Harper, University of Exeter

    For more information about WSC 2024 Ph.D. Colloquium, please visit We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!

    Kevin Taaffe
    Department Chair
    Harriet and Jerry Dempsey Professor
    Department of Industrial Engineering
    Clemson University