INFORMS Open Forum

Reminder (Thursday, November 9th, 7am PT / 10am EST / 4pm CET): DAS Webinar presents Why we under-prepare for disasters: The enduring legacy of Howard Kunreuther

  • 1.  Reminder (Thursday, November 9th, 7am PT / 10am EST / 4pm CET): DAS Webinar presents Why we under-prepare for disasters: The enduring legacy of Howard Kunreuther

    Posted 11-06-2023 10:49

    Dear colleagues:

    You are invited to DAS Webinar, which features Prof. Paul Slovic (Decision Research & U of Oregon), Prof. Robert Meyer (Wharton), and Dr. Erwann Michel-Kerjan (Mckinsey), and moderated by Prof. Robin Dillon-Merrill (Georgetown).

    Disasters, both natural and man-made, are inevitable in our world, yet societies often find themselves inadequately prepared to mitigate their impact.  Paul Slovic, Bob Meyer and Erwann Michel-Kerjan, long-time colleagues of Howard Kunruether, will discuss the intricate web of human psychology and public policy, exploring the enduring legacy of Howard and his pioneering work in understanding why we consistently under-prepare for disasters. Howard Kunreuther, a distinguished scholar in the field of risk analysis and decision-making, dedicated his career to uncovering the cognitive biases and behavioral patterns that lead individuals, organizations, and governments to underestimate the importance of disaster preparedness. Drawing on decades of research, this presentation will discuss key factors that contribute to our collective failure in disaster readiness.

    This event will take place virtually on Thursday, November 9th, 7AM PT / 10AM ET / 4PM CET. Please find below the link to register your name and email address.

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing a calendar link and the ZOOM link to join the meeting. 

    You can find more information about our webinar series in the link below and register there also.

    We look forward to seeing you there! 

    Kind regards,


    Onesun Yoo
    Associate Professor
    UCL School Of Management, University College London