INFORMS Open Forum

Reminder: Seeking Session Chairs for Location Analysis Sessions at INFORMS 2024

  • 1.  Reminder: Seeking Session Chairs for Location Analysis Sessions at INFORMS 2024

    Posted 04-25-2024 13:12
    Dear Colleagues, 
    This is a friendly reminder that we are currently looking for volunteers to organize and chair a Section on Location Analysis (SOLA) session at the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Please contact cluster chair Kayse Lee Maass ( by April 29, 2024 with the subject line "SOLA Session Chair" if you are interested.
    --------More Details--------
    We welcome anyone who is interested to chair a session, including students, faculty, and industry/nonprofit professionals. As session chair, you will be responsible for inviting 4-5 speakers to present in a 75 minute session, with each presentation lasting approximately 15 minutes. During the conference, you will be responsible for introducing the speakers, ensuring the session runs on time, and moderating the Q&A. 
    A list of potential topics consistent with the aims of SOLA from prior conferences are included below. We welcome sessions from any of these themes, as well as others you may think of.
    If you are interested in serving as a session chair for one or more sessions, please contact cluster chair Kayse Lee Maass ( by April 29, 2024 with the subject line "SOLA Session Chair." 
    Important Dates
    - Apr. 29: Deadline to let Kayse know you would like to be a Session Chair
    - May 15: Deadline for session chairs to enter presenters
    - Aug. 1: Speaker registration deadline
    - Aug 21: Last date abstract can be edited
    List of potential session topics:
    - Emerging topics in location analysis
    - Location and logistics
    - Public sector location analysis
    - Location analysis for social good
    - Service facility location during a pandemic
    - Location analysis for electric vehicle charging
    - Algorithmic advances in location science for spatial demands
    - Role of location analysis in smart mobility
    - Location problems in innovative transportation and logistics applications
    - Location problems and geometric optimization
    - Ensuring equity in location analysis
    - Hub location problems
    - SOLA Student Panel
    - SOLA Best Student Paper Award
    - Anything else location related!

    Kayse Lee Maass
    Assistant Professor
    Northeastern University