INFORMS Open Forum

Reminder - Abstract submission and Early Registration for CODE at ISB!

  • 1.  Reminder - Abstract submission and Early Registration for CODE at ISB!

    Posted 11-17-2022 06:29

    Warm Greetings! Indian School of Business (ISB) is hosting the ​14th edition of the Conference on the Digital Economy (CODE) on Jan 3-5, 2023. Please consider submitting your paper and joining us for the event. For those who have already been planning to participate in the event, this is a reminder of the due date for abstract submission and early registration.

    Due date for abstract submission: November 25, 2022 (call for proposal included below)

    Due date for early registration: December 3, 2022

    Conference date: Jan 3 – 5, 2023

    Conference venue: Taj Malabar Resort & Spa, Cochin, India

    Conference webpage:

    Contact us at if you need more information about the conference.


    Conference co-chairs:

    Prof. Ramnath Chellappa (Emory University) & Prof. Rajib Saha (Indian School of Business)




    Call for Abstracts

    The Fourteenth Edition of the Conference on the Digital Economy (CODE)

    Taj Malabar Resort & Spa, Cochin

    Jan 3-5, 2023

    Submissions Due: Nov 25, 2022


    The Conference on the Digital Economy (CODE) is known for its high-quality research programme, and attracts many top researchers throughout the world who are engaging in cutting-edge research in the areas of information systems, strategy and marketing, economics, operations management, and computer science. All aspects of theoretical and empirical research in diverse domains touched by technology are welcome. We are particularly interested in research on digital transformations in public governance, digital marketing, big data analytics, digital innovation and entrepreneurship, technology for emerging markets, the IT industry, and IT services. A variety of methods, including econometric analyses, statistical inferences, and big data analytics, are also welcome. The purpose of this conference is to provide a platform for academics to identify and explore opportunities for research related to digitization and the digital economy.

    • E-Business and E-Government
    • Economic Value of IT
    • Crowds, Contests, and Communities
    • Digital Platforms and Open Governance
    • Security, Privacy, and Ethics of Technology
    • Technology adoption and diffusion
    • Human Behavior and IS
    • Strategy, Structure, and Organizational Impacts of IT
    • Data Science, Decision Analytics, and Visualization

    Submission Guidelines:

    Authors are invited to submit abstracts of their work for consideration at the conference. Please submit a 2-page, single-spaced (including text, diagrams, tables, and references) abstract of your research study by November 25, 2022.

    Link to submit abstracts:

    Abstracts will be evaluated based on their potential research contribution and the ability to stimulate interest and discussion at the conference. If your abstract is accepted for presentation at the conference, it will be published in a Book of Abstracts. The Book of Abstracts contains a brief (300 words) summary of each of the research to be presented at the conference. Conference on the Digital Economy (CODE) does not take any copyright on this. The purpose of the Book of Abstracts is to circulate your work amongst key practitioners in India.

    Your research study should be sufficiently complete by the time of the conference to enable a stimulating presentation and meaningful discussion. At least one co-author of an accepted abstract for the conference must pre-register on or before December 9, 2022, for its continued inclusion in the programme.

    Rajib Saha
    Associate Professor
    Indian School of Business