The Center for Healthcare Operations Improvement and Research (CHOIR) at the University of Twente announces the 8th talk in the ORAHS International Seminar Series.
The ORAHS International Seminars are planned monthly via Zoom in the late afternoon (Europe), morning (US), or evening (Asia/Pacific).
Please save the date and register for this seminar here:
Our speaker is Lerzan Örmeci. She is a professor in the department of Industrial Engineering at Koç University since 2001. Her research focuses on stochastic modeling and analysis of health care systems. Her articles have appeared in Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, among others. She is on the editorial board of Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Health Care Management Science, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, and OR Spectrum. On March 28, 2023, at 16:00 (CEST), she will talk about "Appointment Scheduling with Patient Preferences." Please find more info about Lerzan here:
Please find more information about our seminar presentations here:
We look forward to seeing you soon and often in the ORAHS International Seminar Series.
University of Twente
Amin Asadi
Assistant Professor
University of Twente