INFORMS Open Forum

Opinion on Tapia Center's blog on 'Computational Thinking and Equity

  • 1.  Opinion on Tapia Center's blog on 'Computational Thinking and Equity

    Posted 11-06-2023 02:53

    Hello everyone,

    I recently dove into the fascinating world of the Tapia Center's blog on 'Computational Thinking and Equity,'( which detailed a transformative online summer camp experience. The camp, which ran for five days, reached an impressive 98 students across varying grades and locations. Scholarships, supported by the INFORMS DEI Ambassador award, were critical in making this opportunity accessible, especially for those from underrepresented communities in STEM.

    The core of the camp's curriculum, collaboratively developed by esteemed academics and Google's Operations Research Team, was to design an admissions algorithm for a fictional college that emphasized equity-a task that required students to confront potential biases and reflect on the real-world implications of algorithmic decision-making.

    My journey resonates with this narrative, especially recalling the initial awe of computational concepts during my early education. I remember when programming felt like an esoteric language, until a high school teacher demystified it for me, much like the camp's endeavor to make computational thinking approachable and relevant.

    However, my path diverges when considering the depth of exposure to topics like equity in algorithm design-I only scratched the surface of these essential conversations in graduate school, not high school. This program showcases the importance of starting these discussions early, and I'm in awe of the initiative to embed social consciousness in computational education.

    I'm curious to hear from others: How do you feel about the introduction of complex, societal dimensions like equity into the computational learning curve for young students? Do you think this early engagement is essential for shaping future technologists and researchers?

    Let's discuss how such programs might shape the landscape of STEM education and the implications for future generations.

    Nithyashree Suresh
    UC Davis
    San Francisco CA