INFORMS Open Forum

Member Benefit - PubsOnLine Suite

  • 1.  Member Benefit - PubsOnLine Suite

    Posted 6 days ago

    As you know, INFORMS offers 17 highly regarded Journals – from operations research to marketing science, and many other areas of the decision and data sciences. But did you know that your INFORMS membership allows you to purchase the PubsOnLine Suite (all 17 journals) for just $109, compared to the actual value of over $600? With PubsOnLine Suite, you'll receive:

    • Access to full-text, abstracts, and online-only features from the entire collection of 17 INFORMS journals
    • Easy access to digitized backfile issues, a complete personal library of INFORMS holdings back to 1952 

    Here's how to secure your subscription to PubsOnLine: log-in to your profile on, click on Add Communities/Journals on the left side of the page and in the Additional Journal Subscriptions option, click on INFORMS PubsOnLine Suite. If you have any questions, please email

    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD