INFORMS Open Forum

Invitation to organize an EOC session - 2024 Annual Meeting

  • 1.  Invitation to organize an EOC session - 2024 Annual Meeting

    Posted 04-15-2024 09:59

    The INFORMS Education Outreach Committee invites submissions for Annual Meeting sessions. INFORMS Education Outreach is organized into three streams:

    1. K-12 Outreach
    2. Undergraduate Outreach
    3. Graduate Outreach

      INFORMS members who wish to organize an EOC session may organize a session that fits into one or more of these streams. The Education Outreach Committee will also consider sessions that go beyond these categories.

    The deadline for sessions to be set up (session chair and speakers to be identified) is May 1st. If interested, please email Neil Desnoyers at

    We look forward to seeing you in Seattle!

    Neil Desnoyers
    Adjunct Professor
    Saint Joseph's University