INFORMS Open Forum

  • 1.  Introduction and Ask

    Posted 2 days ago

    Dear Colleagues and fellow Analytics enthusiasts, 

    I'm Nithhyaa Ramamoorthy, a seasoned Product Analytics Practitioner with over 12 years of industry experience, and a fellow INFORMS professional member.  I'm so excited to be part of this fantastic organization. I wanted to introduce myself and inquire about any peer reviewing or editorial opportunities. I am also interested in collaborating in scholarly writing in areas of my subject matter expertise.


    I am a Data Nerd at heart and my experience spans Data Strategy, Product  Analytics, Data Literacy, and Governance. I hold a Master's degree in Information systems specializing in Data science. I started my career in the Online Strategy and Consumer Insights department at and  I currently serve as an Analytics Lead at the Mayo Clinic. I was privileged to work on many interesting projects spanning large-scale datasets throughout my career.


    I'm looking forward to actively participating in this forum by volunteering to serve on review panels and peer reviewing for the INFORMS Analytics Journals. Can you all guide me on how to pursue these opportunities and where to get started?


    Thanks in advance!

    Nithhyaa Ramamoorthy


  • 2.  RE: Introduction and Ask

    Posted yesterday

    Hi Nithyaa,
    Welcome to INFORMS. There are a number of ways to get involved with the association. Regarding reviewing and editing - if you have a specific journal in mind, you can reach out to the editor of that particular journal. The editors are the ones who make those types of decisions for reviewers and such. You can find the email address of each EIC on the editorial board page of each journal on
    Please let me know if you have any other questions.


    Jill Capello
    Membership Associate
    Catonsville MD