Welcome to IFORS 2023!
This is the second announcement for the 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2023) to be held July 10-14, 2023, in Santiago, Chile.
The conference is locally organized by ICHIO, the Chilean Institute for Operational Research, together with ISCI, the Institute of Engineering Complex Systems, and with the support of the University of Chile and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Since its inaugural meeting in the United Kingdom in 1957, this triennial conference has become a large international academic event.
IFORS 2023 will highlight global developments in Operational Research (OR) and Analytics and show how these tools are expanding their impact on society, science, and industry. It will be a platform for experts from around the world to showcase the diverse potential of state-of-the-art Operations Research techniques and technologies. The event offers a unique opportunity to network with expert colleagues in academia and industry, and graduate students, from all parts of the globe. It is, also, an opportunity to visit Chile and explore its culture and diverse nature and landscapes, which range from the driest desert in the world to the windy and cold climate of Patagonia.
Plenary speakers: We are excited to have the following confirmed plenary speakers:
Margaret Brandeau, Stanford University
Juan Carlos Muñoz, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Paolo Toth, Università di Bologna
Andrés Weintraub, University of Chile
Keynote Speakers: In addition to the plenaries, there will be invited keynote talks covering a wide range of Operational Research and Analytics subjects.
Important dates:
Opening of abstract submissions: December 1st
Due date for abstracts submissions: March 15th
Early registration deadline: April 25th
Authors final registration deadline: May 10th
further information:
Please visit ifors2023.com for more information and stay tuned to the next announcements.
We look forward to seeing all of you in person in Santiago in July 2023!
IFORS 2023 Organizing and Program Committee
Jorge Vera
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile