IFORS 2023
23rd IFORS Triennial Conference
Santiago, Chile, July 10 - 14, 2023
You are invited to take part in the 23rd IFORS Triennial Conference in Santiago, Chile, on 3-6 July 10 - 14, 2023. All accepted and presented abstracts will be published online as a monograph with ISBN / DOI identifier numbers.
IFORS Triennial Conference will be an excellent opportunity for the OR community to get together again in an exciting city with plentiful travel and vacation opportunities nearby, and we are looking forward to seeing you in Santiago in July!
· Margaret Brandeau, Stanford University, USA
· Juan Carlos Muñoz, Minister of Transportation of the Chilean Government and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
· Paolo Toth, Università di Bologna, Italy
· Andrés Weintraub, University of Chile
· Rene de Koster, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
· Brian Denton, University of Michigan, USA
· Andrea Lodi, Cornell Tech (USA) and the Technion (Israel)
· Anna Nagurney, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
· Tava Olsen, Melbourne Business School, Australia
· Dolores Romero Morales, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
· Carleton Coffrin, National Laboratory at Los Alamos (USA), Fred Glover, Entanglement, Inc. (USA), and Gary Kochenberger, Entanglement, Inc. (USA), A Tutorial on Quantum Computing and Combinatorial Optimization
· Nesim K. Erkip, Bilkent University, Turkey: Inventory Problems with Heterogeneous Customers
· Andres Gomez Escobar, University of Southern California, USA: Machine Learning
· Rosa G. González Ramírez, University of Los Andes (Chile) and Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, University of Twente (The Netherlands): Seaside Planning: Overview and Implementation (2 sessions)
· Kate Smith-Miles, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Australia: Stress-testing Algorithms via Instance Space Analysis
Please visit the conference website https://ifors2023.com/ for more general information.
Researchers, academics, practitioners, and students in any branch of operational research, mathematical modelling, data analytics, or economic analysis are invited to submit abstracts or organize sessions. The list of clusters and cluster chairs is available in the submission system.
· No participant can present more than one paper at the conference.
· Abstract submission system is available online at:
· Abstracts must be written in English with a maximum of 2500 characters; submission deadline: March 15, 2023.
Researchers who wish to organize a session or contribute with an abstract within a cluster should contact one of the chairs of the corresponding cluster.
All accepted and presented abstracts will be published online as a monograph with ISBN / DOI identifier numbers.
Due date for abstract submissions: March 15, 2023
Registration system open: March 1st, 2023
Early registration deadline: April 25th, 2023
Author final registration deadline: May 10th, 2023
Early regular registration (until April 25th, 2023): US$ 580
Late regular registration: US$ 680
Student early registration (until April 25th 2023): US$ 170*
Student late registration: US$ 210*
Accompanying Person: US$ 250
* Students must provide proof of enrollment
Further information on the registration fees will be available soon at the conference website: https://ifors2023.com/registration
We look forward to seeing you at Santiago in July 2023!