INFORMS Open Forum

Finalists of the 2024 POMS CSO Student Paper Competition

  • 1.  Finalists of the 2024 POMS CSO Student Paper Competition

    Posted 04-18-2024 08:17

    We received 19 excellent applications for the 2024 POMS College of Sustainable Operations Student Paper Competition. Of them, 11 were analytical, and 8 were empirical. After two rounds of careful evaluations by 13 judges, we ended up with four finalists:

    "Nudging Green but Slow Shipping Choices in Online Retail"
    Yeonjoo Lee (with Karen Donohue)

    "Optimizing the Path Towards Plastic-Free Oceans"
    Baizhi Song (with Jean Pauphilet, Dick den Hertog, Bruno Sainte-Rose, and Yannick Pham)

    "The Role of Driver Behavior in Moving the Electric Grid to Zero Emissions"
    Leann Thayaparan (with Georgia Perakis)

    "Greenness and its Discontents: Operational Implications of Investor Pressure"
    Nilsu Uzunlar (with Alan Scheller-Wolf, Sridhar Tayur)

    We congratulate all the finalists! The winners will be announced at the POMS Conference. 

    Serasu Duran and Somya Singhvi

    PS: We'd like to express our biggest gratitude to the judges who evaluated the papers, namely (in alphabetical order): 
    Ali Fattahi, Alp Sungu, Amrita Kundu, Anna Cuenca, Christian Kaps, Divya Singhvi, Elisabeth Paulson, Maya Ganesh, Michael Blair, Sanjith Gopalakrishnan, Soudipta Chakraborty, Sytske Wijnsma and Xiaoyang Long.

    Somya Singhvi
    Assistant Professor
    USC Marshall School of Business
    Los Angeles CA