I don't know what happened to the link I'm afraid. I don't have a connection to the authors.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-30-2024 10:26
From: Rahul Saxena
Subject: Enterprise Decision Taxonomy
Thanks for this reference, Hakan! It's a great example of the decision taxonomy that our community can build and use. This one focuses on healthcare delivery decisions -- we can make a superset that can align to functions (such as marketing, sales, customer success, accounting, etc.) and to industries (such as SaaS, discrete manufacturing, insurance, etc.).
The link to the ORchestra site referenced in this paper, "All the articles mentioned in this review are included and categorized in ORchestra" is broken (ref https://www.utwente.nl/en/choir/research/orchestra/ and https://www.choir-ut.nl/en/). Do they need a hosting site?
Rahul Saxena
Original Message:
Sent: 09-30-2024 07:33
From: Hakan Kılıç
Subject: Enterprise Decision Taxonomy
Hi Rahul,
There is such an article for healthcare operations. Maybe it helps:
"Taxonomic classification of planning decisions in health care: a structured review of the state of the art in OR/MS" by Hulshof et al. (2012).
Hakan Kılıç
Postdoctoral researcher
Kadir Has University
Original Message:
Sent: 09-29-2024 07:28
From: Rahul Saxena
Subject: Enterprise Decision Taxonomy
Back in 1995 (or was it earlier?), APQC started publishing a process reference model that was relevant in the business world focused on process re-engineering.
Today the world is thinking of how to use algorithms for optimization and decision support. Very few have made a decision taxonomy (decision list or decision graph).
INFORMS could make an Enterprise Decision Taxonomy to help organzations think about the decisions they make. If it makes sense to do this, we could make a group to build it. If such a decision taxonomy already exists, please give me pointers.
Rahul Saxena