Pinar, thank you for sharing this information! My heart goes out to our many INFORMS members who come from this area of the world, and especially those who reside there now. I hope you and your families are safe.
If any members in Turkey or Syria are coming up on your membership renewal date and experiencing financial hardship after the earthquake, please know that we offer a reduced dues rate in these situations. Contact me and we'll work with you.
Tracy Cahall
Member Engagement Manager
Catonsville MD
Original Message:
Sent: 02-08-2023 10:25
From: Pinar Keskinocak
Subject: Earthquake in Turkey
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Many of you reached out about the earthquake in Turkiye, I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. My family is doing ok thankfully, but so many thousands have been affected and what we have seen so far are just the initial signs of the devastation.
The 7.8 magnitude earthquake was followed soon by another 7.5. Thousands of people have died and more are still under rubbles, with extreme cold weather in many places. The death toll could exceed 20,000, and many more would be left without homes, work, education. The devastating impact on the society and economy could last for years.
Please keep Turkiye and its people in your thoughts and prayers. For those of you who asked about donations, below/attached are some information. Please help spread the word. Many thanks!
Alternative to the organizations in the attachment, if you prefer to donate through a registered 501c3 organization in the US, try
For longer term impact, you can also consider organizations focused on education, e.g., TEV | Türk Eğitim Vakfı, which provides scholarships and set up a fund for students affected by the earthquake.
Pinar Keskinocak
ISyE Georgia Tech
Atlanta GA