INFORMS Open Forum

Deadline Extended to August 30th---INFORMS Chicago Chapter Impactful OR / Analytics Prize 2024

  • 1.  Deadline Extended to August 30th---INFORMS Chicago Chapter Impactful OR / Analytics Prize 2024

    Posted 08-15-2024 10:04

    INFORMS Chicago Chapter is sponsoring an award competition to encourage students and scholars from academia and industry to impact their community with work infused with OR/MS methods. The work should yield tangible and beneficial outcomes for individuals, communities, and organizations in the Chicago area and could appeal to multiple disciplinary and application-area interests.

    There are three categories for the INFORMS Chicago Chapter Impactful OR / Analytics Prize:
    - Professional of the year
    - Academic / Researcher of the year
    - Student of the year

    Please submit a 600-character abstract describing the project's achievement for the first review round.
    The abstract submission deadline is EXTENDED to August 30th, 2024 (11:59 pm CST).

    For more information, please visit:2024 - Chicago Chapter

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Eleftheria Kontou <>. 

    Thank you!
    INFORMS Chicago Chapter Award Committee

    Sina Ansari
    Assistant Professor
    Driehaus College of Business, DePaul University
    Chicago IL