INFORMS Open Forum

Calls for abstract for the invited session: Enhancement of Object Detection

  • 1.  Calls for abstract for the invited session: Enhancement of Object Detection

    Posted 05-01-2024 16:50
    I am organizing an invited session titled Enhancement of Object Detection in the Cluster of Artificial Intelligence at the INFORMS annual meeting 2024, October 20-23, in Seattle, Washington, USA.
    If you have a work that can be presented in this session, please contact me by today at
    Consider that you will have to send a title, authors (noting the presenter), affiliations, and an up to 250-word abstract (could be less). This information can be further edited in the system until May 15th.
    You can find more information about the conference and the submission guidelines here:
    I look forward to having you as a presenter in my session.
    Nicolas Bustos


    Nicolas Bustos 

    Ph.D. Student  

    President 2024-25 of INFORMS Student Chapter at USF

    Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering 

    University of South Florida
    Tampa, Florida 33620