INFORMS Open Forum

Call for Speakers Committee on Teaching and Learning - May 1st Deadline

  • 1.  Call for Speakers Committee on Teaching and Learning - May 1st Deadline

    Posted 04-28-2024 23:31

    Dear Colleagues,

    The deadline for submitting session chairs and speakers for the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting is approaching this Wednesday, May 1st. Please see below the list of current sessions and panels for the Committee on Teaching and Learning cluster. Feel free to contact the session chairs below or me (

    There is still time to propose additional sessions to this cluster, just email me before Wednesday!


    Session Chairs and Speakers for 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting


    If you are interested in being a speaker for any of our current panels or sessions, please contact the session chairs listed below.

    • Power of LLMs in the Analytics Classroom: The Good, the Bad, and the Inevitable (Session)

      • The session will focus on the use of Generative AI in the classroom, covering the following topics, among others:

        • How Generative AI-based tools are shaping learning experience for analytics students

        • The challenges and opportunities of integrating LLMs in classrooms

        • Explore ethical considerations, technical limitations, and practical strategies for adoption

      • Please contact: Sourav Chatterjee  (

    • Pedagogical Innovations for Analytics Education (Session)

    • Exploring and Maintaining Teaching Stream Careers in Academia

    • GenAI (Panel)

    • Teaching Credential for INFORMS Fireside Chat (Panel)

    • Teaching Data Analytics with Low Code Tools (Panel)

    If you would like to be a session or panel chair, please contact me before May 1st. 



    Education Outreach Cluster - 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting


    The Education Outreach Undergraduate Subcommittee will cross-list sessions with the Committee on Teaching and Learning. The purpose is to collaborate and create a continuous, non-overlapping stream of teaching, learning, and education sessions and panels hosted at the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting.


    Panel 1: To Accredit or Not To Accredit: That is the Question

    Description: This faculty panel will discuss accreditation of academic programs in business analytics/data science and OR/IE/MS including ABET, CAP and aCAP. Panelists will share their experience with advocating for the value of accreditation, building appropriate administrative support, and executing certification acquisition and maintenance activities. Opportunities for INFORMS to grow with respect to academic program accreditation will also be considered.

    Panel 2: What Should We be Teaching Undergraduates in the Age of ChatGPT?

    Description: This panel focuses on the analytical skills our students need to compete in the fourth industrial revolution. Panelists will share their insights on the most critical concepts and tools for our undergraduate students in general, and for those working towards STEM degrees. They will share their experience with respect to teaching traditional tools: spreadsheets, database, and programming languages, and with modern business applications: ERP, BI, and AI oriented systems. The panel will debate the appropriate amount and depth of content for different student groups.

    Panel 3: Managing Industry Advisory Boards

    Description: The growth of academic programs in analytics has increased the responsibility of faculty to engage with their industry counterparts. In this panel academic faculty and professionals will share their experience in establishing, managing, and participating in successful industry advisory boards. Issues discussed will include setting board goals, generating industry projects, creating student internships, finding clinical faculty, and managing stakeholder expectations. The question of charging a fee for board membership will also be considered.

    If you are interested in being a speaker for any of the panels listed above, please contact Ken Murphy (


    Data Mining Collaboration - 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting

    The Data Mining cluster is hosting an interdisciplinary session called: "Transforming Education Through Data Analytics". We have agreed to collaborate and cross-list this session with CTL as well.

    They are interested in innovative studies in application areas including teaching methods, online classes, advising, technology, program management, resource planning, student admissions, recruitment, research activities, and interdisciplinary efforts. Our focus is on recent approaches that aim at increasing student success and well-being, inclusivity, instructor effectiveness, scholarly excellence, and cost efficiency using data analytics methods such as machine learning, data mining, knowledge discovery, generative artificial intelligence, forecasting, optimization, simulation, and data visualization.
    Please email Alessandro Hill ( or Puneet Agarwal ( with the title, authors, speaker, and abstract (750 characters max).
    Feel free to contact the session chairs below or me (
    Looking forward to seeing you all in Seattle!

    Gabriela Gongora-Svartzman, Ph.D.
    Committee on Teaching and Learning (CTL) INFORMS Chair
    PSOR Jr VP of Meetings
    Assistant Teaching Professor
    Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy
    Carnegie Mellon University