INFORMS Open Forum

Call for Papers: 2023 MSOM Healthcare Operations Management SIG Day

  • 1.  Call for Papers: 2023 MSOM Healthcare Operations Management SIG Day

    Posted 01-19-2023 16:09
    Call for Papers
    2023 MSOM Healthcare Operations Management SIG Day
    McGill University, Canada
    June 24, 2023

    The Healthcare Operations Management Special Interest Group (Healthcare SIG) of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society will hold its annual conference on June 24, 2023, preceding the MSOM 2023 conference (June 25-26).

    On behalf of the Healthcare SIG, we would like to invite you to submit papers at the intersection of healthcare and operations management. Papers based on cutting-edge collaborative work between academics and clinicians/healthcare administrators with methodological and practical impact are especially encouraged. Papers can be analytical or empirical, methodologically oriented or applied. In-person presentations of the accepted papers will be scheduled in a single track. 


    Important Dates 

    Submission deadline (full paper): February 5, 2023*

    *Please note that no extensions will be given for the submission deadline. To facilitate the review process, we encourage you to submit your papers as early as possible.

    Notification of Acceptance: April 30, 2023


    Submission Guidelines and Review Process

    Submission portal:

    Fast Track Option:
    The MSOM conference has a "fast-track" process with the Manufacturing & Service Operations Management journal (M&SOM) for accepted SIG Day papers that are not under review at any journal. M&SOM editors may invite these accepted SIG Day papers to be revised and submitted to M&SOM for potential publication. You will be asked to answer whether you want your manuscript to be considered for Fast Track into the M&SOM journal during the submission process---please refer to the submission portal link above.

    Paper Format:

    • Each paper should comply with MSOM journal formatting standards:
    • To facilitate double-blind review, the paper should not contain author names.
    • The paper should be submitted as a PDF file.
    • The submitting author should be the presenter and will be considered "primary author" in the system. Once your paper is accepted, you will upload a non-blinded paper with author names in the order they should appear.


    • The same work can be presented only once during the entire conference period. Therefore, please do not submit the same work to both SIG and MSOM or to multiple SIGs.
    • If your paper is not accepted for presentation at the SIG Meeting, you may indicate (in the submission portal) that you would like to be considered for presentation at the MSOM Conference. If the SIG chairs recommend your work for presentation at the MSOM conference, you will be notified and asked to submit a 3-page extended abstract conforming to the guidelines for abstract submission for MSOM Conference. Your abstract instead of the full paper will be posted on the conference website. (This avoids your work being identified as not accepted by SIGs.)
    • Each attendee is limited to one submission for the MSOM conference, one submission for each SIG Meeting, and two presentations during the entire conference period.
    • Submitted papers will be selected for oral presentation by double-blinded reviews.

    Conference Website


    2023 MSOM Healthcare Operations Management SIG Day Co-Chairs:

    Kenan Arifoglu, University College London ( and

    Song-Hee Kim, Seoul National University (

    MSOM Society Healthcare Operations Management SIG Chair:

    Tolga Tezcan, Rice University (

    Song-Hee Kim
    Associate Professor of Operations Management
    SNU Business School
    Seoul National University