INFORMS Open Forum

Call for Abstracts (Deadline: March 31, 2023) - Eighth Marketplace Innovation Workshop

  • 1.  Call for Abstracts (Deadline: March 31, 2023) - Eighth Marketplace Innovation Workshop

    Posted 02-25-2023 11:04

    Apologies for cross-posting


    Eighth Marketplace Innovation Workshop

    Virtual format

    May 22 to May 24, 2023

    Submission deadline: March 31, 2023

    Submissions consist of extended abstracts (1 page).


    Itai Ashlagi, Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University

    Omar Besbes, Columbia Business School, Columbia University

    Nicole Immorlica, Microsoft Research

    Vahideh Manshadi, School of Management, Yale University 

    Nicolas Stier-Moses, Meta Platforms

    Fanyin Zheng, Columbia Business School, Columbia University


    Markets are an ancient institution for matching the supply for a good or service with its demand. Physical markets were typically slow to evolve, with simple institutions governing trade, and trading partners generally facing a daunting challenge in finding the "right" partner. The information technology revolution, however, has generated a sea of change in how markets function: now, markets are typically complex platforms, with a range of mechanisms involved in facilitating matches among participants. Recent trends point to an unprecedented level of control over the design, implementation, and operation of markets: more than ever before, we are able to engineer the platforms governing transactions among market participants. As a consequence, market operators or platforms can control a host of variables such as pricing, liquidity, visibility, information revelation, terms of trade, and transaction fees. On its part, given these variables, market participants often face complex problems when optimizing their own decisions. In the supply side such decisions may include the assortment of products to offer and their price structure, while in the demand side they may include how much to bid for different goods and what feedback to offer about past purchasing experiences. The decisions made by the platform and the market participants interact, sometimes in intricate and subtle ways, to determine market outcomes, including welfare and fairness attained by the various market participants.

    In this workshop we seek work that improves our understanding of these markets, both from the perspective of the market operator and the market participants. With respect to the former we are particularly interested in work that derives useful insights on how to design these markets, taking into account their operational details and engineering and technological constraints. With respect to the market participants, we seek for work that introduces novel approaches to optimize their decisions and improves our understanding of their interactions within the market. We look for a mix of approaches including modeling, theoretical, and empirical, using a wide range of tools drawn from operations management, game theory, auctions and mechanism design, optimization, stochastic modeling, revenue management, econometrics, or statistics.

    The list of markets to be studied includes but it is not restricted to:

    • Online marketplaces, such as eBay, Etsy, etc.

    • Internet advertising, including sponsored search and display ad exchanges

    • Sharing economy markets, such as Uber/Lyft, AirBnb, etc.

    • Online labor markets, such as Amazon mTurk, Upwork, etc.

    • Procurement markets, such as technology-enabled government procurement

    • Health care exchanges

    • Financial exchanges

    • Emission and Electricity Markets 


    The workshop will run virtually on (powered by Virtual Chair) over three days from May 22 to May 24, from 10:45am to 4:00pm EST.  

    Plenary speakers

    The workshop will have several invited distinguished plenary speakers from academia and industry:

    • Joaquin Quinonero Candela, LinkedIn

    • Estelle Cantillon, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

    • Jose Correa, University of Chile

    • Hongyao Ma, Columbia University

    • Shoshana Vasserman, Stanford University

    • Garrett van Ryzin, Amazon



    Submissions are now open HERE. Submissions should consist of 1-page extended abstracts. The submission deadline is March 31, 2023To take full advantage of the online format and given the success of posters in virtual mediums as a highly interactive and effective means for ideas exchange in past iterations of the workshop, all accepted papers will have a dual format (a spotlight 5 minutes live talk and a 40 min poster session).

    Vahideh Manshadi 
    Associate Professor of Operations
    Yale School of Management