Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year!
The Annual Modeling and Simulation conference is organized by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS) in DC next year: Some of the conference tracks can be of interest to the INFORMS community, e.g.:
- 'health' covers population-health models (e.g., epidemics) and clinical health
- ML-AI covers machine learning and related methods
- core methodological works (e.g., effect of distribution of initial values onto simulation outcomes) would go to the annual simulation symposium, ANSS track
All tracks are accepting papers until January 14th (CFPs attached). Please feel free to let me know if you intend to submit your work to any of these tracks so the track chairs can send reminders. It also helps them to have a better estimate of the volume of papers and review loads to expect.
An important note on format:
- full-papers are 12 pages, and can go up to 13 to accommodate references and bios
- short papers are 5 papers, and can go up to 6 to accommodate references and bios
Both full papers and short papers will be published by IEEE. Our conference is in cooperation with both IEEE and ACM.
Thank you!
Amin Rahimian
Assistant Professor
Industrial Engineering
University of Pittsburgh