INFORMS Open Forum

Announcing the finalists of the 2023 INFORMS Behavioral Operations Management Best Working Paper Competition

  • 1.  Announcing the finalists of the 2023 INFORMS Behavioral Operations Management Best Working Paper Competition

    Posted 09-06-2023 14:23
    Edited by Rafael Escamilla 09-06-2023 14:23

    The finalist papers of the 2023 INFORMS Behavioral Operations Management Best Working Paper Competition are the following (in no particular order):

    "Improving Human-Algorithm Collaboration: Causes and Mitigation of Over- and Under-Adherence", by Maya Balakrishnan, Kris Ferreira and Jordan Tong.

    "Customers' Multihoming Behavior in Ride-hailing: Empirical Evidence Using a Structural Model", by Sandeep Chitla, Maxime Cohen, Srikanth Jagabathula and Dmitry Mitrofanov.

    "Competition in Optimal Stopping: Behavioral Insights", by Ignacio Rios and Pramit Ghosh.

    "Measuring Strategic Behavior by Gig Economy Workers: Multihoming and Repositioning", by Daniel Chen, Gad Allon and Ken Moon.

    Congratulations to the four teams of coauthors! Please join us in the award's Final session on Monday, October 16, at 4:00 PM, in room CC-North 127A, where the four papers will be presented; this is session ME17 in the conference program. The winning paper will be announced during the Final. The winner will also be celebrated during the BOM Section Business Meeting.

    Rafael Escamilla
    Assistant Professor
    Arizona State University
    Tempe, AZ