INFORMS Open Forum

a kind reminder --- Cluster "OR Education" - IFORS 2023, Santiago

  • 1.  a kind reminder --- Cluster "OR Education" - IFORS 2023, Santiago

    Posted 03-11-2023 12:16
    Call for Talks for the OR Education Cluster  


    IFORS 2023 (10-14 July 2023, Santiago, Chile, 


    OR Education session cluster aims to engage those involved in OR/MS/Analytics teaching and learning and promote sharing of education experience and best practices from across the world.  


    Cluster topics of interest include all aspects of education for operational research/management science/analytics, such as innovative practices, learning tools and techniques, emerging trends, etc. Some particular topics of interest include (but not limited to): 


    ·       Continuous education in OR 

    ·       New OR study programs 

    ·       OR education in specific fields 

    ·       OR education and gamification 

    ·       Educational activities for OR-Analytics 

    ·       Inclusive pedagogy 

    ·       Recent trends in OR-Analytics education  

    ·       Active learning strategies and best practices 


    Some sessions are in preparation already, and you are welcome to submit your abstract there via and using the corresponding code: 


    Sessions                                                                   Code: 

    OR Education 1                                                       8e2ff511 

    OR Education 2                                                       6d2d0bef 

    Active learning strategies and best practices    c76a1698 

    Inclusive pedagogy                                                 2500909b 

    Panel:  The Role and Recognition of Teaching Faculty in OR/MS    5fb1af3f


    Contributed talks can be submitted at:


    IFORS conferences are held every three years to bring together academia, practitioners, and experts in the field of Management Science from more than 60 countries and to contribute to its development through mutual academic and information exchange. Since its inaugural meeting in the United Kingdom in 1957, this conference has become a large international academic conference involving more than 2,000 professionals from academia and industry alike. The 23rd Conference will take place in Santiago, Chile this summer. With the last IFORS (Seoul, Korea) held remotely, we are excited to resume in-person IFORS conferences. 


    With any questions, please contact any of the OR Education cluster co-chairs: 


    Hulya (Julie) Yazici, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Alexander Vinel