INFORMS Open Forum

2024 Doctoral Dissertation Research Award from American Statistical Association's Section on Statistics in Marketing

  • 1.  2024 Doctoral Dissertation Research Award from American Statistical Association's Section on Statistics in Marketing

    Posted 11-02-2023 10:23

    The American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Marketing is pleased to announce our annual Doctoral Dissertation Research Award. The competition is open to qualified doctoral students worldwide whose dissertation research is at the intersection of marketing and statistical methods. Doctoral students should submit a research paper that is based upon their dissertation.

    An award committee appointed by the American Statistical Association's Section on Marketing Committee will judge submissions on their potential contribution to the application of statistics in marketing. This contribution may be theoretical, methodological, or substantive in nature. Important factors in assessing the research will be the quality of the conceptual development, creativity, rigor, and clarity of the paper. Finalists will be notified in January 2024.

    Submissions must be received no later than December 5, 2023 (5pmEST). The recipient of the award will receive a cash prize of $1,000 and a plaque.  Additionally, finalists for the prize will receive a cash prize of $250 and funding to cover the JSM 2024 student registration fee.  All finalists will be invited to present their research paper at the 2024 Joint Statistical Meetings in Portland, Oregon from August 3-8, 2024 (one of the largest statistical conferences in the world) in a session sponsored by the Section on Statistics in Marketing. 

    All submissions must be submitted through this portal:

    Please feel free to reach out to Prof. Alan Montgomery <> or Prof. Shibo Li <> if you have any questions regarding this submission.

    Past recipients of the Marketing Doctoral Research Award from the American Statistical Association's Section on Statistics in Marketing include:

    • Yingkang Xie (2023), "Disintermediation and Heterogeneity in Price Sensitivity"
    • Hortense Fong (2022), "A Theory-Based Interpretable Deep Learning Architecture for Music Emotion"
    • Jeremy Yang (2021), "Targeting for Long-Term Outcomes"
    • Min Kim (2020), "Discovering Online Shopping Preference Structures in Large and Frequently Changing Assortments."
    • Omid Rafieian (2020), "Adaptive Ad Sequencing."
    • Liu Liu (2018), "Visual Listening in: Extract Brand Image Portrayed in Social Media"
    • Ryan Dew (2018) "Gaussian Processes for Customer Purchasing Dynamics"
    • Dan McCarthy (2017), "Customer-Based Corporate Valuation: Modeling with Limited, Aggregated, Missing Data"
    • Andrey Simnov (2017), "Demand for (Un)Biased News"

    Eligibility Requirements: 

    • Students should be doctoral candidates at an accredited university to receive the degree of PhD in marketing, statistics, or related fields (e.g., psychology, economics, management, strategy, etc.).
    • Students should expect to graduate between September 2023 and August 2024. Participation in other grant or award programs does not preclude consideration for this award.
    • Finalists are expected to present their research at JSM 2024, which requires students to be student members of ASA ($30 registration fee, and register and attend the JSM conference.

    Instructions for Submission:  

    The applicant should submit three separate PDF documents:

    • A title page that includes identifying information with title of the research paper, applicant name, email address, and school.  Identify co-authors, and the dissertation committee chair and other committee members in an acknowledgement note on this page.
    • A research paper that is at most 30 pages (inclusive of all tables/exhibits and references). The first page should have a title and a brief, self-contained summary of the proposal. For blind reviewing purposes, please remove any identifying information (name, school, etc.) from this file. Only one research paper may be submitted.
    • A letter (or printed copy of an email) from the chair of the PhD Committee stating "<name> is currently a PhD candidate at <school>.  The student is expected to graduate by August 2024.  The paper, entitled <title>, is a research paper based upon their dissertation." Neither a recommendation letter nor an evaluation of the student's work is needed.


    Alan Montgomery
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Pittsburgh PA