INFORMS Open Forum

10th Annual Business Analytics Competition at Manhattan University - Registration Opens Soon!

  • 1.  10th Annual Business Analytics Competition at Manhattan University - Registration Opens Soon!

    Posted 10-28-2024 21:01
    Edited by Amir Masoumi 10-28-2024 21:05
      |   view attached

    Dear Colleagues,

    We invite you to the tenth annual Business Analytics Competition at Manhattan University (formerly Manhattan College), taking place in person from May 19-21, 2025. Registered teams will receive competition questions and data on February 3. Registration opens November 11, and extends until March 3. Due to timing and space constraints, we will be limiting the number of registering teams. Therefore, we strongly encourage faculty advisors to register their undergraduate teams early! For more details, please see the attached flyer or visit the competition website.

    Amir Masoumi, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management
    O'Malley School of Business
    Manhattan University
    Riverdale, NY 10471 USA