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Revised book on Decision Modeling

  • 1.  Revised book on Decision Modeling

    Posted 02-09-2019 07:44

    Several months ago I released a book I wrote called Decision Modeling as a free-to-download pdf. So far it has been downloaded over 4000 times. This week, I made a minor update to the book, dated February 5, 2019. It can be downloaded from .


    For those not familiar with this document, it contains coverage on the modeling of linear, network, integer, nonlinear, and goal problems, as well as decision analysis. The Excel Solver is used primarily, though there is an Appendix on the use of LINGO. The book was written using LaTeX, and the graphics were done in PSTricks.


    Solutions are available as nine pdf files, and can be obtained by writing to me at .


    David M. Tulett, Ph.D

    Associate Professor

    Faculty of Business Administration

    Memorial University of Newfoundland

    St. John's, NL, Canada, A1B 3X5

    (Office) 709-864-4097

    (Mobile) 709-689-5858

    "... read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest..."