INFORMS Open Forum

Donald P. Gaver Jr. Early Career Award, opportunity and extended deadline

  • 1.  Donald P. Gaver Jr. Early Career Award, opportunity and extended deadline

    Posted 07-01-2021 10:24

    I am writing to remind eligible candidates and nominators about the upcoming deadline for the Donald P. Gaver Jr. Early Career Award in Operations Research.  The award was established by the Gaver family to honor Don Gaver, a distinguished member of the operations research community (INFORMS Fellow and elected member of the National Academy of Engineering).  While Don Gaver was most known for his research in Applied Probability Modeling and Theory, the award winner may be in any area of operations research.  The purpose of the award is to support creative and diverse work in operations research in the early career of the recipient. The candidate must be within ten years of receiving a PhD and be in a tenure track academic appointment.   The award will be presented at the Annual Meeting and includes an engraved citation plaque, a significant monetary award and a potential professional development funding supplement.  The deadline for nominations has been extended to July 9, 2021.  For further information consult

    John Lehoczky
    Professor of Statistics & Data Science
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Pittsburgh PA