Dear friends,
Are you ready for a live, face-to-face conference? We are too! The 2021 Winter Simulation Conference is pioneering a new hybrid format, in-person for those who can travel and virtual for our friends and colleagues who need to participate online. Serving the whole community of scholars and practitioners, we invite you to join us for the 2021 WSC taking place in Phoenix, Arizona, 13 - 15 December (face-to-face) and 14 - 16 December (virtual). Join practitioners and researchers to discuss advances in all aspects of modeling and simulation, under this year's theme, "Simulation for a Smart World: From Smart Devices to Smart Cities". Recognizing some travel restrictions will be in place for the remainder of the year, we are creating a dynamic agenda that engages conference participants in both formats. In-person events such as keynotes and paper tracks will be recorded and available on the conference's online platform. Similarly, online events such as the PhD colloquium, poster sessions, and paper tracks will take place on the conference platform, creating a shared environment for the community to interact. Exhibits will be live, networking events will be hybrid – so much to do in either format! Plan now to participate in WSC 2021.
WSC 2021 Publicity Team
Chao Meng
Assistant Professor
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg MS