Apologies for cross-posting
Dear colleagues,
We hope this email finds you well.
We wanted to remind you that the Workshop on the Design of Online Platforms will take place on July 23, 2021 together with the ACM Economics and Computation Conference. We are delighted to have two interesting plenary talks:
- "Learning Treatment Effects in Panels with General Intervention Patterns" by Vivek Farias (MIT).
- "Consumer-centered Platform Design" by Greg Lewis (Microsoft Research).
We also have an exciting set of speakers. You can find the final program here:
The website also contains registration information for the workshop. We hope you can join us, and we look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
With kind regards,
The Program Committee
Ali Aouad, Hamsa Bastani, Giulia Brancaccio, Ozan Candogan, Laura Doval, Daniel Freund, Chiara Farronato, Sebastien Martin, Afshin Nikzad, Ken Moon, Daniela Saban, Shoshana Vasserman, Yi Xin, and Fanyin Zheng
Ozan Candogan
University of Chicago