INFORMS is saddened to share the passing of Andrew Conn, who was a member of the Center for Computational and Statistical Learning Group in the Mathematical Sciences Department at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center, and throughout his career made significant contributions to the field.
Conn's interests included applications, theory, numerical algorithms and software development and his most recent research was in the areas of mathematical programming and numerical linear algebra. Prior to that, he was interested in large-scale algorithms and small-scale methods that do not require derivatives, including applications.
Some of Conn's earlier projects include LANCELOT/Galahad, Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment (CUTE), and Einstuner.
Among Conn's recognitions he was a SIAM Fellow, and an Honorary Professor at the University of Veszprem, Hungary, which is a state appointed position. He also received the Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization, the Beale -Orchard-Hays Prize, and the IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award.
Scharan Johnson
Director of Membership and Communities
Catonsville MD