RSVP to by Monday, October 29th, 2018 at 6 pm
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INFORMS Boston Chapter Meeting and Talk
Thursday, November 1st 2018, 6:30 PM with refreshments and light snack
The MITRE Corporation
M Building, 202 Burlington Road
Bedford, MA
Title: "Resilience: State of Science and State of Applications"
Speaker: Dr. Igor Linkov, Adjunct Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
This presentation will review the history of risk assessment and management in the USA, discuss the emergence of resilience management, and the role of both constructs in addressing emerging risks. Risk and Resilience are often used as synonymous even though they have a very different meaning, Risk-based approaches have been used to assess threats and mitigate consequences associated with their impact. Risk assessment requires quantifying the risk of failure for each component of a system and associated uncertainties, with the goal of identifying each component's contribution to the overall risk and ascertaining if one component poses substantially more risk than the others. In contrast to the definition of risk, resilience is focused on the ability to prepare and recover quickly from threats which may be known or unknown. Resilience is a property of the system itself and can be measured without identification and assessment of threats which act on or within a system. Managing for resilience requires ensuring a system's ability to plan and prepare for a threat, and then absorb, recover, and adapt. Coupled with a systems view that decomposes components across physical, information, cognitive, and social environments in which the system exists, is the basis of an approach to quantifying resilience with decision analytical tools and network science approaches. I will present case studies of resilience assessment in the areas of infrastructure, transportation, cybersecurity, and organizational behavior using tools of decision analysis and network science.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Igor Linkov is the Risk and Decision Science Focus Area Lead with the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, and Adjunct Professor with Carnegie Mellon University and University of Southern Denmark. Dr. Linkov has managed multiple risk and resilience assessments and management projects in many application domains, including transportation, supply chain, homeland security and defense, cybersecurity, and critical infrastructure. Dr. Linkov has organized more than thirty national and international conferences and continuing education workshops. He has published widely on environmental policy, environmental modeling, and risk analysis, including twenty books and over 350 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters. Dr. Linkov is Society for Risk Analysis Fellow and recipient of 2005 Chauncey Starr Award for exceptional contribution to Risk Analysis as well as 2014 Outstanding Practitioner Award. He is Elected Fellow with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Daniel Rice
Senior Principal Scientist
FAST Labs™, BAE Systems