This is the call for nominations for the INFORMS Elections to be held in 2015 to elect members of the 2016 Board of Directors.
Here is a brief review of the nomination and election process. More detail is in INFORMS Bylaw 3 and P&P 4.2 and 4.3.
Each year, a call for nominations of candidates for next year's INFORMS Board occurs. For this year's elections, the Board positions for 2016 to be filled by INFORMS member election are:
- President-elect
- Secretary
- Vice president-International activities
- Vice president-Marketing, communications, and outreach
- Vice president-Membership and professional recognition
- Vice president-Practice activities
The position of vice president-chapters/student chapters/fora is also to be filled, but that position will be filled through election by the Subdivisions Council.
INFORMS vice presidents are typically elected for a two-year term. The treasurer and secretary positions are also two-year terms, and they are staggered so that in each year not more than one of the two positions has a newly elected person starting a term of office.
Because these offices involve a significant learning experience, first- term incumbents may be nominated without opposition for a second term for reasons of continuity and stability. This is the reason why one or several positions on the INFORMS ballot may have only a single candidate.
The president-elect will serve three years: one year as president-elect, one year as president, and one year as past president.
INFORMS elections are held in the fall, in recent years running from August through the end of September. INFORMS employs a voting process called approval voting. This means that INFORMS members can vote for as many candidates as they think are qualified for a position. According to Bylaw 3,
Elections shall be conducted by approval voting, whereby each voter may vote for any number of candidates for an office and the individual elected shall be the one receiving the largest number of votes, except if there are two or more offices to be filled from a common group of candidates, in which case the individuals elected shall be those receiving the largest numbers of votes. A quorum for membership voting is 10 percent of the members eligible to vote.
If you think that someone, including yourself, would be a good candidate for one of the aforementioned openings, please consider sending your recommendations to the nominating committee chair:
Stephen M. Robinson
Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Wisconsin--Madison
1513 University Ave, Rm 3015
Madison, WI 53706-1539, USA
Nominations received by February 1, 2015 will be considered. Nominations received after that date may be considered. The nominating committee is scheduled to report its nominations by February 15, 2015.
Stephen Robinson
Professor Emeritus, Industrial & Systems Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison WI